Today, I’ve got 3 law of attraction business tips that you might not have thought off. Helping you to create your ideal business.
As a law of attraction practitioner who supports business owners in creating their ideal business, one of the questions I get asked the most is “Does the law of attraction work in your business?”
The answer is a clear YES.
The law of attraction is working in absolutely all areas of our life and business whether we are aware of it or not.
Today, I want to run through 3 tips to EFFECTIVELY use the law of attraction in your business, to create your ideal business.
Now, I’ve written a lot about the law of attraction for business success here on the blog already, you can check out all of my previous posts – LOA Business Tips.
Today I have some tips that you might not have thought of being law of attraction related. But I assure you they really will help you to create the business you want.
3 law of attraction business tips that you might not have thought of
Keep an ideal business book
Over the next week or so, I encourage you to create an ideal business book. Use my free workbook to help with this.
Clarity is the key to your business success, even if that’s just this week, this is what I want to achieve in my business.
Write about or just make notes in list form who your ideal client is. How do they interact with your business and how do they make you feel?
Example: My ideal blog reader devours every post I share and they take action to apply any tips into their own life. They share my content and often buy things I recommend.
Write about your ideal business day, your life outside of your business, where you run your business, the hours you work, your income…

Set your intentions for your day, every day and review
Write out your intentions for the day. Things that you want to attract, things that you want to achieve. Do this every day at the start of the day and then review it at the end of each day.
Example from my own business – Today I will be inspired with writing my blog so that it really helps my readers. Today my blog sessions will increase. Today I intend to update 2 blog posts so that they are the vey best they can be.
For your business that might be something very different. Here’s another example. Today I will rearrange my shop window specifically to attract sales of my new range of clothing. I will let my email subscribers know about new arrivals in the shop and post outfit combinations to Facebook and Instagram using new items.
Celebrate everything you achieved. And take the time to focus on what you’re grateful for today in your business.
If there are things that you didn’t achieve or things you wanted to attract but didn’t attract, dig about to see what stopped you.
- Are you sabotaging yourself?
- Are you saying yes to things that aren’t really important?
- Do you have limiting beliefs in this area that you need to work on? I recommend checking out my EFT GUIDE
- Are you using the time that you have to work on your business effectively? Or are you getting distracted by non-priority tasks?

Quit complaining
Seriously, I can complain for England but what this does is puts your focus on the very things you don’t want and in turn, you become a match to attract what you don’t want. So make it your mission to quit complaining.
Focus on what you can control – Focus on the business you want to create.
If you catch yourself complaining, spot it and swap it. Ask yourself “If I don’t want or like this, then what do I want?
Example – If you catch yourself complaining that you haven’t made many sales this week.
Swap it for. I want (or I intend, I expect…) to make 10 or more sales every day. You can then go on to brainstorm ideas to make more sales.
Check out these posts here on the blog – EFT and Affirmations for more sales and EFT to attract more PayPal Payments.

To-Do Tips
- Create your ideal business book – Use my Ideal Business Workbook to help with this.
- Set your daily intentions and review them at the end of the day
- Quit complaining
Let me know how you get on. Did you get any “A-ha” moments? Share your thoughts and ask questions below.
More Law of Attraction For Business Success Tips
Today’s posts are just a few things to do to help you attract the business success you want. Here are more posts to help you use the law of attraction in your business.
- Law of Attraction Business Tip: Focus on what’s working
- 5 steps to get the law of attraction working in your business
- Attract your ideal business day | Law of attraction
- How to attract your ideal clients using the law of attraction
- I’m Your Business Genie – What do you wish for?
- The power of gratitude in business – Take every opportunity
- Describe your business as you want it (NO Limitations)
- 3 Easy Ways To Raise Your Vibrations for Business Success
Law of attraction business success challenge
I’ve put together a 30-day law of attraction business success chalelnge to help you start using the law of attraction effectively in your business.
It’s right here on the blog and you can do the challenge at any time – go to 30-day law of attraction business success challenge.
Law of attraction business planning
This is my best selling download – The LAW OF ATTRACTION BUSINESS PLANNING PACK.
I designed this special pack to really help you make the law of attraction a part of your business, daily, weekly, monthly… to help create the business you really want. At the time of writing this post, it’s priced at just £9.99
Also, come and check out my Business Mindset posts on my other blog, Life and Business with Wendy.

Thank you very much!
These are right but not always obvious things. In fact, I really like to track the progress of my intentions, but I do not do it every day of course. I set long goals and try to track them. But I think that if I change it to daily smaller actions, it may be more useful.
And of course, do not complain is a necessary point. It is not only that constant complaints annoy people around you but it also spoils the way you perceive your actions.