EFT and Affirmations for Making More Sales

Today’s EFT and affirmations for making more sales consistently in your business.

SET UP – Side of the had – I’m tapping today to clear any resistance you have to attract more sales in your business and allowing a fantastic abundant flow of sales consistently.  You’ll clear energy blocks, emotional blocks and limiting beliefs and raise your vibrations to be a match for attracting more and more sales.

If you’re new to EFT

If you’re new to EFT, I recommend that you watch and join in with a few of my EFT videos on YouTube as this will really help you to get familiar with the tapping points.

EFT for Making sales - EFT More sales - Affirmations for more sales

EFT for more sales using affirmations

Top of the head – Making sales is easy

Start of the eyebrow – I consistently have an abundant flow of sales in my business

Side of the eye – Making sales is easy

Under the eye – I am a sales magnet

Under the nose – Making sales consistently is so easy for me now

Chin – I am a match for an abundant flow of sales

Collarbone – I am a sales magnet

Under the arm – Making sales is so easy for me now

Repeat a few times.

This is a fabulous EFT script to use regularly in your business.

EFT for MORE Sales Quickfire Tapping

If you want to make things super simple, here’s a quickfire EFT script for more sales.

You are simply saying “More Sales” on every point.

Tapping points – Top of the head, start of the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, under the arm.

You can start of with a set up on the side of the hand if you want saying “I’m tapping for more sales” if you want to but it’s not necessary.  I love these quickfire EFT sessions and you can fit them in every day no matter how busy you are.


Let me know in the comments if you want more EFT scripts like this.


EFT and affirmations for Making more sales - EFT More sales - Affirmations for more sales. In this EFT script we combine EFT with affirmations to help you release resistance to allowing more sales.  Use this script regularly in your business to attract more sales.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques – Tap gently on the meridian points – You can tap on either side with either hand.

Wendy Tomlinson is a qualified EFT Master Practitioner based in England, UK.

Please ask below if you have any questions.

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2 thoughts on “EFT and Affirmations for Making More Sales

  1. hi, thank you for this opportunity. My business is 6 months old…its a digital platform where we act as a bridge between talent and recruiter. Our income is only through subscription. How can i increase my subscription? In our business both subscriber and recruiter are equally important.

  2. Hi Tina, I can’t give you practical advice on this one, you’ll need to do your own research, I’m not that kind of coach. But what I do know through years of experience is that your mindset is just as important as anything you do practically. I suspect you’re already doing plenty to gain more subscribers. Use the advice in this post to clear any blocks and raise your vibrations so that you are a match to attract what you want. Focus on the subscribers you already have with gratitude.

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