I’m Your Business Genie – What do you wish for?

What if I told you that I’m your business genie and I can grant you one wish.  It has to be specifically for your business.  What do you wish for?

Watch the video below – I’d love you to click through to watch on YouTube and give it a thumbs up and let me know your thoughts and what YOU’D WISH FOR in the comments below.  This is a great way to connect with me and other like-minded people.

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A powerful law of attraction exercise

The one wish that you choose has to be specific to your business.  Whatever you choose says a lot.

When you answer this question honestly from your heart, this gives you real clarity.

Write down what you wish for.  This sends out a powerful message to the universe.

Now, write down any and all ideas that you can think of to make this your reality KNOWING that the law of attraction is also working for you to manifest this into your life.  Even if the ideas that come up seem really wacky, write the idea down, this will lead to more ideas.

KEY POWER QUESTIONS: How do I create this?  How do I attract this?

Whatever you wish for is what you want to put your attention on creating every day.

Create your ideal business

I want you to think of the law of attraction as a really powerful helping hand.  In business, you need to put in the work and the law of attraction will work for you, work with you to create your ideal business.

The more clear you can get about the business you want to manifest, the easier it will be for the law of attraction to give you what you want.

If you don’t already have it, go and grab your free copy of the IDEAL BUSINESS WORKBOOK this will really help you to gain even more clarity in your business and life.

How the law of attraction works with today’s tip

Okay, so in today’s video – I’m really asking you to get clear about what you really want more than anything in your business (that thing that you don’t currently have).

If you’re new to the idea of the law of attraction I definitely recommend that you watch my free 5-part law of attraction series – In this series, I explain what the law of attraction responds to.

Now do this exercise…

  1. Write down the thing that you said you would wish for.
  2. Brainstorm ideas as suggested in the video.
  3. Thoughts – Make sure your thoughts about what you wish for are positive.  If you have doubts about being able to manifest what you want, you can start with I’m open to the possibility that I can create the business I want.  I choose to believe now that I can create my ideal business.  I’m creating my ideal business.  The law of attraction is helping me to create my ideal business.  I can do this is a great mantra to say to yourself.  The key thing is to keep filling your mind with thoughts that really support you.
  4. Feelings – Just for a minute now, I want you to really focus on how you would feel if you already had the thing you wished for.  I want you to aim to keep that feeling as you go about your day.   Have a feeling of excitement, happiness… knowing that this is already on its way.
  5. Beliefs – Check in with your beliefs – Try listening to that mind chatter.  Say to yourself, I can attract… (add the thing you wish for) and then listen to the thoughts that come up.  Are they supporting you or are they negative?  If any negative thoughts come up, these give you an idea of the limiting beliefs that you need to clear.  TIP: Whatever comes up, write it down and use EFT to release the emotions/belief.  Leave me a message below if you want me to make a video for the YouTube channel.  I guarantee if it’s a limiting belief for you, it’s a limiting belief for others.  You can see my EFT playlist for ideas.
  6. The things you say – Keep a check on the things you say to yourself and to others.  Make sure that what you say supports you in achieving what you want.
  7. The things you do.  The law of attraction responds to action.  If you say you want to have 10,000 people on your mailing list, but don’t ever do anything to attract people onto your list, you’re not a match for what you want.  My tip is to write this down every day >> What action can I take today to help me achieve…(what you wish for).

There we go, that’s my Business Genie advice for you today.  Time for you to go and create your ideal business.

Have a great week.


P.S Make sure you watch the BUSINESS GENIE video, give me a thumbs up and let me know what your wish would be.


Check out my BUSINESS GENIE blog post and video to help you attract the thing that you most want in your business. This is a fun and incredibly powerful exercise.

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