Do you feel like you’ve got so much going on that you don’t know what to focus on or can’t focus on anything? You’re not
Category: EFT
EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques often known as tapping. With EFT we work with the energy in the body to release negative energy, beliefs, emotions… and we can also tap in positive energy to support us in feeling positive and achieving a life we love.

I am successful EFT tapping session, to help you clear resistance, blocks and raise your vibrations to allow yourself to be successful. This is a
This week’s EFT script is to help if you have a belief that successful people are mean. You can also replace the word mean with

I’m not clever enough to be successful is one of the biggest beliefs that keep us stuck in business. If you have this belief, please

This week’s EFT script is an EFT Business Belief Buster. The belief we’re going to work on shifting today is “People like me aren’t successful.”

This week’s EFT script is to help you when you need more clarity. There are many times in your business life where you need to