One of my favourite business success affirmations is My Business Is A Huge Success.
Today I want to talk about the power of this affirmation and if you find any resistance to this affirmation, I’ve got a powerful EFT script to help.
Let’s talk affirmations for business success
Affirmations are simply positive, usually, present tense statements. If someone tells you that you’re stupid repeatedly, a part of you starts to believe that.
What’s worse though is that a lot of the negative things we hear are what we actually say to ourselves.
Affirmations are a great way to shift to giving yourself positive messages.
We can take something we want and create a positive affirmation. So in today’s example, the affirmation is AFFIRMING that your business is successful.
You can use this affirmation at any time in your business – Use it at the beginning of your business, if it’s currently not the huge success you want or if you’re well on your way to that success you want, even when you already have huge success.
The affirmation will do a slightly different job at different stages.
In the early days and when you’re business isn’t yet successful, you are training your mind to accept success.
Once your subconscious mind accepts this as true for you it allows the success in. You also send out a powerful message to the universe stating what you want.
As your business grows and becomes more successful, you are re-confirming that this success is what you want and you are happy to attract more and more success.
And finally, once you are seeing real success in your business, you are confirming this is what you want and want to keep.
Affirmations have played a powerful part in transforming my own life and business.

Fill your mind with your affirmation – My business is a huge success
Go full out on your chosen affirmation. Fill your mind with it, be consistent and stick with it,
I often hear people say things like “Affirmations don’t work” or “Affirmations don’t work for me”
I don’t personally have any proof that they work other than knowing that they certainly played a big part in transforming my own life.
But what I can tell you is that if you say an affirmation a few times and then give up, it’s unlikely;y to do anything.
My advice to you is to choose an affirmation that really resonates with you and stick with it for the long term.
I’ve been using this particular affirmation for well over 3 years now and when I first started saying it, it really didn’t sit well with me.
It brought up all kinds of limiting beliefs. I’m going to talk about this more a little later in the post.
But gradually, I started to believe it – My business is a huge success. Then I started to notice changes and I started to actually feel like my business was becoming more and more successful.
I continue to use this affirmation as my business develops even further. Last year, I was able to stop private coaching and focus completely on creating content. This was a huge success step for me as it’s where my passion really is.
Note your affirmation coming true
Your affirmation is My business is a huge success. So every success I have in my business is confirmation that my affirmation is now becoming my reality.
It’s super important to acknowledge and celebrate these successes. This way, you become a match to attract more and more success.
As I said, the transition from one to one coaching to a full-time blogger was such a huge success for me personally. At the time I constantly repeated my business is a huge success. This confirmed this is true for me.
I also do this for many, many small successes every business day.
For example, when I get any payments through, I repeat my affirmation. When I receive wonderful comments from my blog readers or when I add a new blog, create a new download, I repeat my affirmation.
By the way, I’m repeating the affirmation a lot for a reason. The more you read it in this post the better as it will already be filtering through to your subconscious mind.
When to use your affirmation
Use it anytime and often.
I’ve already recommended using it when you have any success in your business to reconfirm what you want and affirm this is true for you.
Wake up to this affirmation and make it the last message you fill your mind with as you go to sleep.
Put up post-it notes or create a beautifully framed image.
Write it at the top off your daily planner (every page).
Record your affirmation My business is a huge success onto your smartphone, repeat it 10-20 times and listen to it throughout the day.
These are just a few ideas. Just fill your mind with this affirmation as much as you can.
Make it enjoyable.
I’ve been known to dance around the room whilst singing/chanting my affirmation. This is actually a great way to add extra energy to your affirmation – My business is a huge success.
Recommended reading Empowering Affirmations For Business Success.
What if your affirmation doesn’t feel good – You don’t believe it
Okay, so let’s say that right now you feel like your business sucks and it really feels a million miles away from being successful.
When you say the affirmation My business is a huge success, you’re going to get this little voice in your head saying something along the lines of “Yeah, right. Who are you kidding!” It’s going to feel like a lie. That’s normal, after all, it’s not true right now.
I want you to first of all just accept those thoughts and feelings and commit to just stick with saying the affirmation for the next month.
Then to shift any emotions and beliefs attached to this statement – My business is a huge success, I want to encourage you to do some EFT with me.
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and it’s the best way I know to release emotions and beliefs that block us from creating the life we want.
Below I have included a video that you can watch and follow along with and I’ve included the full EFT script for you to read along with as you tap. I’ve also created a downloadable version of the EFT script which I’ll add at the end of this post. This is so that you can print it out and repeat whenever you want.
If you’re new to EFT Please read my EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques Guide.
EFT Video – My business is a huge success – Clearing blocks
Follow along with this EFT session. Tap with me and say the statements I say to release resistance to the affirmation.
You can absolutely practice EFT and create your own scripts. That’s the beauty of EFT but even as an EFT Master Practitioner, I like to follow along with someone else.
You’ll also learn and get familiar with the EFT tapping points – This will prove highly valuable to you as you can then use it anytime you want.
If you like this video, please do consider subscribing to my YouTube channel Life and Business with Wendy
EFT Script
Here are two EFT scripts to follow along with – They are slightly different to the video.
As you tap, be aware of any thoughts that come up.
Step one
Karate chop (tap the side of your hand) – This is your set up phrase and we’re going to say this 3 times – Say Even though I have resistance to the affirmation my business is a huge success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Repeat 3 times.
- Start of the eyebrow – My business is a huge success
- Side of the eye – My business is a huge success
- Under the eye – My business is a huge success
- Under the nose – My business is a huge success
- Chin – My business is a huge success
- Collarbone – My business is a huge success
- Under arm – My business is a huge success
- Top of the head – My business is a huge success
Take a nice deep breath – Take a moment now to note down any thoughts that came up for you such as “That’s not true for me, that’s a lie, that’s never going to be true for me…
Step two
What I recommend that you do now is do 2 or 3 rounds tapping on whatever comes up for you.
An example might be…
- Start of the eyebrow – I don’t feel like this will ever be true for me
- Side of the eye – This affirmation feels like a lie
- Under the eye – I’m not successful
- Under the nose – Who do I think I am to think I can be hugely successful
- Chin – People like me don’t achieve huge success in business
- Collarbone – This is never going to be true for me
- Under arm – I’m not smart enough
- Top of the head – I can’t do this
You can definitely use my words but if any other thoughts came up for you, it’s important that you tap on these too.
Take your time with this and relax your breathing. Have a sip of water at the end of each round too.
Step three
What I want you to do now is repeat the affirmation at each point again. This time you will have already cleared some or all resistance, so this will hopefully feel different.
A great tip is to get up and move around whilst you do this final tapping round to really boost your energy.
I want you to imagine that you already have your ideal business, close your eyes and focus on how great that will feel and then do your final round of tapping.
- Start of the eyebrow – My business is a huge success
- Side of the eye – My business is a huge success
- Under the eye – My business is a huge success
- Under the nose – My business is a huge success
- Chin – My business is a huge success
- Collarbone – My business is a huge success
- Under arm – My business is a huge success
- Top of the head – My business is a huge success
Take a nice deep breath and have a drink of water.
Over the coming days, weeks and months as you keep repeating the affirmation My business is a huge success, be aware of any resistance and thoughts that come up that don’t support you in creating your ideal business and come back to the tapping sequence.
Sometimes what has happened with me, is I’ll have a period of success and then I’ll feel like things have become a bit stagnant, like I’m stuck at a success level.
So what I do then is tap on that feeling “Even though I’m feeling stuck in my business right now and I’m not moving past this level of success, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Then move onto do the affirmation tapping again.
Recommended reading – Law of attraction business success challenge.
Let’s do a recap – Making the most of your affirmation
Fill your mind with your affirmation and stick with it long term, at least until it feels true for you. Even then I recommend you continue with this affirmation to confirm this is still what you want.
Practice EFT to help release resistance and clear feelings of the affirmation being a lie.
You can print out the EFT script – EFT script My Business Is A Huge Success.