Do you love Monday’s or hate them?
It seems to have become a bit of a thing to say “I hate Monday’s” or “Thank God it’s Friday”. So that’s my topic for today. Do you love Monday’s or hate them?
It seems to have become a bit of a thing to say “I hate Monday’s” or “Thank God it’s Friday”. So that’s my topic for today. Do you love Monday’s or hate them?
Okay, so here’s the thing. I really do want you to ask this question.
If your answer is “I hate Monday’s” and it’s your own business, you’ve got a big problem in my book. Blimey, if you hate Monday’s, how do you expect your clients to feel attracted to you on a Monday and heaven help your employee’s if you have them if this is how you feel.
So let’s do some straight talking shall we? After all, I am a coach and well people actually pay me to do this.
Right. It’s your business and you should love it. I know I’ve just used that swear word (SHOULD), but it was needed here. Seriously, if you don’t love your business and look forward to getting stuck in on a Monday morning, there’s a problem.
So let’s take a closer look at what’s going on.
If you don’t like Monday’s in your business, you need to get clear on why that is. THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM!!!
Okay, so don’t go beating yourself up if you’re one of the people who answered “I hate Monday’s” or “I don’t like Monday’s” that would be a waste of time. Instead, let’s look at why that is happening and why you are feeling this way.
Let me ask you a few questions.
- Is it, or could it be an energy thing? Maybe you party hard over the weekend and by Monday you’re shattered. Or maybe it could be down to poor nutrition.
- Have you lost sight of why you wanted to be in business in the first place?
- Have you lost your passion for your business?
- Are you feeling overwhelmed?
- Do you have financial issues that are stressing you out?
- Do you feel lost and don’t really know which direction to go in your business?
- Do you feel stuck in a rut?
- Do you feel like you’re not achieving the things you want in your business?
These are just a few reasons why you may have got into that “I hate Monday’s” habit.
Here are a few things to do if you “Hate Monday’s”
- Take a close look at why you feel this way, using the questions above or book a call with me and talk it through.
- Shift your thinking to something more positive. Use affirmations to give you a boost. Check out my blog posts on Affirmations
- Take a break and write down what your ideal business looks like for you personally.
- Break the habit. Maybe you’ve just heard other people saying this and you’ve bought into the idea. Start a new habit of “Every day is a great day in my business”.
- It may even be time to stop being your own boss or do something different.
- Make a list of ten things you love about your business
- Make a list of ten things you can do to give your business a boost
- Start a gratitude journal and every day write down three things you’re grateful for about your business. Start your Monday’s by reading through your journal for a few minutes or even read it on a Sunday evening.
I hope these tips help you out. At least give you something to think about.
Business Mindset Downloads
Check out these downloads to help you create the business you want:
- LAW OF ATTRACTION BUSINESS PLANNING PACK – Designed to ensure you’re effectively using the law of attraction every day in your business
- IDEAL BUSINESS WORKBOOK – The is another law of attraction workbook to help you gain real clarity in your business (the foundations for business success)
- BUSINESS BOOSTER WORKBOOK – If you feel a bit stuck in a rut at the moment, this workbook is designed to give you a business boost

I actually don’t mind Monday’s. I love planning my week and always do this on a Monday morning. I find the more productive I am on a Monday the more I get done during the week. Some wonderful tips in this post.
Monday morning is a great time for planning. Thanks for commenting Amanda