Here are 10 great affirmations to help achieve your goals.
I absolutely love affirmations. They’ve really helped me in my own life and business. Today, I’ve put together these special affirmations to help you achieve your goals.
Pick out the ones that resonate with you, use them all or use them as a base to create your own affirmations specific to you.
Before you start focusing on your mindset work to achieve your goals, it’s important to know what your goals actually are.
How and when to use affirmations to help achieve your goals
Fill your day with them. You can do all kinds of things like…
- Write your affirmations out daily
- Write your affirmations on separate post-it notes and place them around the house, office…
- Record your affirmations onto a voice recorder (most mobiles have them these days) and play them back to yourself throughout the day
- Simply run them through your mind as you’re going about your day
- Stand in front of the mirror and repeat them out loud (this is incredibly powerful)
Enjoy your affirmations. The more enjoyment you can add the better as you’ll be coming at them from a really positive place, raising your vibrations and when you do this you activate the law of attraction to draw to you whatever you need to achieve your goals.
8 affirmations to help achieve your goals
Any time is a good time to use affirmations especially if you catch yourself thinking or feeling negative, just start saying your affirmations – fill your mind with positivity.

1 – I can achieve all of my goals
This is a super simple, yet incredibly powerful affirmation. You want to achieve your goals and this is exactly what this affirmation is focused on.
You can add anything you want to the “I can… ” affirmation such as I can easily attract 10 new clients this week.
I can achieve all of my goals is a fantastic general affirmation. Adding a specific goal to the end of I can… adds real focus to that specific goal.
Both of these affirmation styles work brilliantly. You can use them both side by side.
Try looking at your goals for the year and create a specific “I can…” affirmation for each goal.

2 – I’m a real goal-achiever now
So, this affirmation is affirming who you are as a person. Maybe you’ve struggled to achieve your goals in the past or stay focused on your goals.
This affirmation “I am a real goal-achiever now” says that you are the kind of person who really goes after your goals. You don’t do it sometimes or a bit half-heartedly, you go for it. That’s who YOU are.
The “I am…” affirmations are also massively powerful. In fact, they’re probably the most powerful, so I highly recommend any positive statements starting with “I am…”
Try this: Look at your goals list and ask “Who do I need to be to achieve this goal?”

Maybe you have a goal to attend networking events to put the word out about your business and get to know other business owners in your area. This idea might make you feel quite nervous and uncomfortable, so you could say “I am calm and confident talking about my business at events.” Play with this idea and see what you can come up with.
Related reading – Who do I need to be to achieve my goals?

3 – Achieving my goals is getting easier and easier
So many people have the belief that success is really hard work and whilst I do believe any goal worth achieving does take time, attention and effort, it doesn’t have to be hard (a struggle).
If you feel like you always struggle to achieve your goals, this is a really positive affirmation for you to use, it’s also not a massive jump to “Achieving my goals is easy.”
If you are struggling right now, this is a better feeling affirmation that your mind will readily allow to be the truth for you. Big jump affirmations can often cause too much resistance.
As you start to believe that achieving your goals is getting easier you can then start to add Achieving my goals is easy now, achieving my goals is so easy now.
Look at your reality now as you see it and go for better feeling thoughts and affirmations.

4 – I now set clear goals and consistently work on achieving them.
I now… is another great way to start your affirmations. You’re putting out a message to the universe and your subconscious mind saying, sure, in the past it hasn’t always been this way but this is now – NOW, this is how my life is.
Maybe in the past, you might have set vague goals and maybe you were a bit hit and miss about trying to achieve them. Not NOW. Now your goals are clear and now you consistently work on achieving your goals.
I personally love this affirmation and use it in my own life, especially with my business goals. I have definitely been guilty of setting all kinds of vague mismatched goals and haven’t then worked on achieving them consistently, so this has been a powerful affirmation to help change that unhelpful behaviour pattern.
Related video I’m not consistent belief buster

5 – I have a clear plan of action to achieve my goals
I always, always encourage you to have a clear action plan for any of your goals. Break your goal down into actionable steps that you can work on.
This affirmation will help you to stay on track and focused, it will remind you to set action steps and stick to them. You’ve got your goal, you’ve got your action plan and you have now set yourself up to achieve your goal.
Affirmations do a wonderful job to shift your beliefs and change your behaviour patterns.

I have a clear plan of action to achieve my goals, says “Yes, I have a plan” and “Yes, of course, I will achieve this goal.”
Related reading Goals without an action plan are a waste of time
6 – I prioritize my goals and take every opportunity to work on them
Prioritizing your goals is essential if you want to achieve them. This affirmation will help create a belief that you are the kind of person who does prioritize your goals.

You know they are important to you and therefore they deserve time and attention to achieve them.
An alternative to this affirmation is “I take every opportunity to work on my goals” this is a shortened version but equally as powerful.
This affirmation will help you create a mindset that has you moving closer to your goal every day.
Recommended reading – Prioritize your most important goal
I hope you’re enjoying these affirmations to help achieve your goals – If you’re on Pinterest you can find Pins for each of these affirmations on my Goal Setting Pinterest board

7 – I am fully committed to achieving my goals
In all honesty, if you feel you’re not committed to achieving a goal, I would recommend that you first question yourself “Is this goal really important to ME?”
Often when I’m going through goals with clients and there is a big commitment issue, it will turn out to be something that the person thinks other people expect from them but the goal is not very important to them.
So that aside, assuming you do really want to achieve your goal. This goal will help you to create a positive belief that will help you to really commit to your goals.
Another little note: Make sure you are not overcommitting your time as this could end up forcing you to neglect your important goals.
Recommended reading Say “No” to overcommitment – Time management tip

8 – My goals are worth achieving
If your goals are important to you then, of course, they are worth achieving. You deserve to achieve your goals. An alternative to this affirmation is “I am worthy of achieving my goals.”
I often speak with people about this issue and what I’ve come to understand is that so many of us have a belief that unless you’re working ridiculously hard, sacrificing something or putting in 90 hours a week, it’s not okay to be successful. I had a belief very similar to this for many years. I’m here to tell you it’s not true. I do believe you need to focus on your goals, have a clear action plan and put effort into achieving your goals. But it does not need to be hard. You do not need to sacrifice success in other areas of your life (such as family time) and you do not need to work around the clock to achieve your goals. Your goals are worth achieving. You are worthy of achieving your goals.

Goal Setting tips
- Start with your big, Ideal Life, Ideal Business goals and then break them down into your yearly goals, them monthly goals, then weekly, daily goals.
- Create a clear plan of action to achieve your goals.
- Write your goals down
- Do your mindset work. Start with these affirmations and try using EFT to achieve your goals.
- Keep your goals clear and simple (don’t overcomplicate your goals). Also, try not to have too many goals at any one time.

Record your affirmations
These days most smartphones have a way for you to record yourself speaking. So why not record a list of your favourite affirmations and play them back to yourself throughout the day. This is powerful stuff. Keep filling your mind with positive thoughts.
Keeping your goals clear and simple (don’t overcomplicate your goals) will help. Also, try not to have too many goals at any one time.
Recommended Reading Don’t overcomplicate your goals

Affirmations board
Try creating a Pinterest board filled with affirmations that really resonate with you. You can also create a board in your home or workplace. Write out affirmations on nice coloured pieces of card and pin them on a pinboard or even print out your favourite affirmation and frame it. These regular reminders are so incredibly powerful.

I really hope these affirmations to help achieve your goals resonate with you. Give them a go, fill your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations. See what happens.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and let me know which is your favourite of the affirmations I’ve shared and if you have another that you like, share that in the comments below.
Best wishes with all of your chosen goals.
Check out the Simplicity Goal Setting Pack.
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