I love this wealth affirmation – It’s safe to be wealthy doing exactly what I love – Here’s another EFT and Affirmation power combo for you for maximum results.
The affirmation: It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love.
The limiting beliefs: There are a whole host of limiting beliefs that this affirmation and EFT session will help with. Here are just a few I’ve heard over the years and had to deal with myself.
- I’m never going be wealthy… rich…earn a good living… just by doing what I love.
- It’s really my hobby, I can’t expect to make much money doing this
- You don’t get to do what you love and make loads of money, that’s fairytale stuff
- This doesn’t feel like hard work because I love it – You have to work really hard to make a lot of money in business.
- If I get rich doing something I love, people with criticise me
- If I get rich doing what I love, people will think I’m a fraud
- It’s not safe to be rich. If I am rich, I will be in danger
Do you recognize any of these beliefs?
NOTE: Your beliefs are not necessarily what you think rationally with your conscious mind. They’re often deeply rooted in your subconscious. If you want to do what you love and be wealthy but you’re not already, my advice is to join in – Practice this wealth affirmation, do the EFT session and do the inner work to clear any resistance to this being true for you.
In this post – Wealth Affirmation and EFT script
Obviously, the affirmation we’re using today in this post is – It’s safe to be wealthy doing exactly what I love. I have includes a text EFT script toward the end of this post and you can also watch my video and tap along with me. I do encourage you to watch and join in with the EFT video as it will really help to hear someone else saying the words as you tap. I also share some tips to make the most of using the affirmation.
Watch the video and join in with the EFT session.
Your wealth affirmation and how to use it – It’s safe to be wealthy doing exactly what I love
Here’s what I hear a lot from people who are in business and doing something they really love. Something that they’re really passionate about.
“Oh, I’m not really doing it for the money!”
I used to say things like that. Then I’d be the one in floods of tears, worried sick about how I was going to pay for the latest round of car repairs.
Yes, it’s very noble to just do these things to be a wonderful person and if you truly don’t need the money, go for it.
The bottom line though for most people is this. If it’s a BUSINESS, it must make money otherwise it’s a hobby or you’re doing it from the kindness of your heart.
A business needs to make money. And I’m guessing if you’ve got this far down the page, you really do want to be wealthy, doing what you love but at some level, you really don’t believe it’s possible for you.
Still with me? Great, Let’s do this.
There are 3 key things I want you to focus on with this wealth affirmation…
1. It takes time – You’re reprograming deep-rooted beliefs
People often tell me that affirmations don’t work and I’ve done a LOT of testing in this area. I have found that affirmations that work to shift your beliefs work best rather than what I call LIE AFFIRMATIONS.
With this affirmation – It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love. You are simply sending a message to your subconscious mind saying this is something new but it’s okay. It’s safe.
Your subconscious mind tends to view most new things as UNSAFE and kind of puts up blocks to stop it.
The key messages here are: I am safe – Increasing my wealth is safe – Doing what I love is safe.
A LIE AFFIRMATION would be something like this… I am a multi-millionaire doing what I love.
Your subconscious mind tends to simply reject this as not true and that’s the end of it.
I recommend really focusing on this affirmation for a minimum of 30 days. I consistently say a version of this affirmation. On my Simplicity Week Planner one of my affirmations is “It’s safe for me to be rich”. This is a perfect daily reminder for me. I use my planner sheet every day, Monday through to Friday and then I create a new one on Sunday evening. So this means my affirmations are in front of me a lot.
What I’ve personally found is that I reach a certain wealth level and then I get a nervous, jittery feeling for apparently no reason. Over the years I’ve learned to recognize this. Because I am increasing my wealth to a new level, my deep-rooted beliefs need a little more clearing. This is why I now use this affirmation daily in my own life.
You are in the process of becoming a person who is wealthy and doing exactly what you love.
2. Be consistent with your wealth affirmation
Whilst I definitely don’t want you to feel like your affirmation is a chore – You definitely want to feel really positive about this affirmation (that’s when the magic happens). I want you t to be consistent. Don’t say it 100 times today and then don’t even think about it for the next week.
Keep the affirmation ticking over on the background of your mind. Keep saying it to yourself. Have it in front of you on your planner like I do. Repeat it as you go to sleep at night and first thing in the morning, sing it out loud in the shower, just enjoy filling your mind with this powerful affirmation.
3. Do the inner work and clear resistance
This is where the EFT script comes in. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) will help you really shift/release any resistance to this affirmation being true for you.
Often we BLOCK (resist) the things that we want – Out beliefs simply will not allow some things to come into our lives and we will often sabotage our own efforts to stop ourselves from allowing the very things we want.
All too often we hurry around working on the outer things that will bring us wealth but unless you take the time to do the inner work, you’ll always be up against blocks.

EFT SCRIPT to release any resistance
Follow along with this EFT session. Tap with me and say the statements I say to release resistance to the affirmation.
You can absolutely practice EFT on your own and create your own scripts. That’s the beauty of EFT but even as an EFT Master Practitioner, I like to follow along with someone else. So I encourage you to follow along with the EFT video a few times.
You’ll also learn and get familiar with the EFT tapping points – This will prove highly valuable to you as you can then use it anytime you want.
If you like this video, please do consider subscribing to my YouTube channel Life and Business with Wendy
Here are three EFT rounds to follow along with – They are slightly different from the video.
As you tap, be aware of any thoughts that come up.
Karate chop (tap the side of your hand) – This is your set up phrase and we’re going to say this 3 times – Say Even though I have resistance to the affirmation it’s safe to be wealthy doing exactly what I love, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Repeat 3 times.
Start of the eyebrow – It’s safe to be wealthy
Side of the eye – It’s safe to be wealthy doing exactly what I love
Under the eye – It’s safe for me to be wealthy
Under the nose – It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love
Chin – It’s safe for me to be wealthy
Collarbone – It’s safe for me to do what I love and be wealthy
Under arm – It’s safe to be wealthy
Top of the head – It’s safe for me to consistently increase my wealth doing what I love
Take a nice deep breath – Take a moment now to note down any thoughts that came up for you such as “That’s not true for me, that’s a lie, that’s never going to be true for me…
What I recommend that you do now is do 2 or 3 rounds tapping on whatever comes up for you.
An example might be…
Start of the eyebrow – I don’t feel like this will ever be true for me
Side of the eye – This affirmation feels like a lie
Under the eye – I’m not already wealthy
Under the nose – Who do I think I am to be able to do what I love and be wealthy
Chin – People like me just don’t get to do things like that
Collarbone – This is never going to be true for me
Under arm – But maybe it could be true for me
Top of the head – Maybe I just need to shift my beliefs
You can definitely use my words but if any other thoughts came up for you, it’s important that you tap on these too. Take your time with this and relax your breathing. Have a sip of water at the end of each round too.
What I want you to do now is repeat the affirmation at each point again. This time you will have already cleared some or all resistance, so this will hopefully feel different. A great tip is to get up and move around whilst you do this final tapping round to really boost your energy.
I want you to imagine that you already have your ideal business, close your eyes and focus on how great that will feel and then do your final round of tapping. You can either say “It’s safe to be wealthy” or the full affirmation “It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love”
Take a couple of minutes now to really visualize your ideal business.
Start of the eyebrow – It’s safe to be wealthy
Side of the eye – It’s safe for me to be wealthy
Under the eye – It’s safe to be wealthy doing exactly what I love
Under the nose – It’s safe to be wealthy
Chin – It’s safe for me to be wealthy
Collarbone – It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love
Under arm – It’s safe to be wealthy
Top of the head – It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love
Deep breath and have a drink of water.
Your Wealth Affirmation Challenge
You’ve got your powerful wealth affirmation now – It’s safe for me to be wealthy doing exactly what I love.
You’ve got your EFT script and video.
My challenge for you is to spend 15 minutes every day for 7 days tapping on this affirmation.
If you do this, you’ll really be clearing any resistance at a deep level.
Seriously, just imagine what can happen if you allow this to be true for you.
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