3 things you need to be doing to achieve your goals

I love goal setting and of course actually achieving my goals and in this post, I want to share 3 things you need to be doing consistently to achieve your goals.

Here goes.

3 things you need to do to achieve your goals.

Start with a clear GOALS

If you want to achieve your goals then you need to be really clear about what the end goal is.  I love the SMART goals method of goal setting.






I actually think all of these points are important but making a goal MEASURABLE is an absolute must in my opinion.  If your goal isn’t measurable, then you can’t possibly know when you’ve achieved it.  And I don’t know about you but I certainly love that feeling of achievement when I can say “I did it.  I achieved that goal”

So I have a note that I see every day that says “My blog income is constantly increasing”  This is a huge motivation for me to get sat down and working on improving my blog daily, but it’s not a Measurable Goal.

An increase of £0.01 is an increase in income but that’s definitely not what my goal is.

My measurable goal is to be earning £2,000 or more each and every month from my blog.

When I reach this amount I will have achieved my goal.

So do a check now and make sure that your goals are measurable and that you will know exactly when you’ve achieved your goals. Then, of course, you can celebrate.  You definitely need to celebrate your goals success.

Have a clear plan of action

Goals are all well and good, but without a clear plan of action and actually taking action, you’re not likely to achieve your goals.  So sit yourself down (not for too long, definitely don’t over think and get stuck in the planning stage) and sort out a clear plan of action.

What action steps do you need to do to achieve your goals?

these may be one-off things you need to do or things you need to do on a day to day basis.

Work on your mindset daily

As a mindset coach, I work with my clients to help them create a positive mindset which will allow them to create the life/business they desire.  You see without a mindset that supports you in achieving your goals, you’ll always put up blocks for yourself, even if you’re not aware of it.

A few things you can do to help create a supportive mindset

Write, record, say positive affirmations 

Use EFT to help clear out negative feelings and beliefs and tap in positive feelings and beliefs (Tap out the negatives and tap in the positives) – See my EFT videos on YouTube.

Use hypnosis downloads – I love these.

Focus on the positives, what’s working well… Focus on what you are attracting into your life and what you want.

A quick lesson in deliberately using the law of attraction

Get the law of attraction working for you.  The law of attraction gives you what you are a vibrational match for.  An easy way to think about how the law of attraction works is this.  The law of attraction responds to your THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, BELIEFS, THE THINGS YOU SAY and THE THINGS YOU DO.

So if you want success in your business, all of these things need to be a match for you to effectively use the law of attraction to become successful.

Your thoughts need to support you in being successful.  So anything like “I can’t do this” will need to go.  Replace with things like “I am successful and I CAN do this.”

Now this one’s a little more tricky, you need to really get the feeling NOW, whatever stage you’re at of being successful.  So first really think about how you will feel when you are successful.  You need to get that feeling now to attract the success.

Your beliefs really are massive.  They can support you or they can be the biggest blocks to your success.  You’ve been building up beliefs every since you were born, so you’ve got a whole load of them.  If you have beliefs that don’t support you they need changing or at least releasing.  Question your beliefs.  Use EFT to help you let go of limiting beliefs.

Keep a check on the things you say.  Often we say things to other people that really don’t support us in achieving our beliefs, so just be aware.

Also, make sure that your actions are a match for what you want.  If you want to be successful, don’t act like someone who is failing or someone who can’t be bothered.

Well, those are my tips to help you achieve your goals.  I hope you find them helpful and I hope you give them a go.

I’d love you to share this post.

Good luck with your goals.


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