Daily positive affirmations for life and business

Today I want to share a collection of daily positive affirmations for life and business. Affirmations are simply positive statements and they have been a huge part of my life for many years now. Today, I’d like to share some of my own personal favourites with you and encourage you to fill your mind with positive messages that support you in creating the life and business you want. 

Daily positive affirmations for business and life

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements usually in present tense.  So think “I am… I can… I have…”

Many experts recommend saying your affirmation first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I definitely agree this is a good time as this is the time when the affirmation will be most readily accepted into the subconscious mind.

I also recommend that you make them a part of your day to day life, all day long.  I say affirmations in the shower, when I’m cleaning the house, when I’m walking the dog, driving the car… I just make them a part of my day.  My theory is simply to fill your mind with thoughts and messages that support you. 

Check out my free guide How to use affirmations – This guide will help you to use these positive messages in the most effective way.

Other ways to use affirmations

Add positive affirmations to post-it notes and stick them up in your office and around your home, even in the car.

In my purse right where I have my notes, I have an affirmation saying “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.”  It makes me feel great about money and spending it because I know there will be more coming in.

You can set aside time each day to sit and write out some affirmations.  I do this if I feel I really need to focus on something. You can even record your favourite affirmations to your phone and listen to them regularly.

Daily positive affirmations for life.

Daily positive affirmation for business and life. Click through for more
  • All is well in my world – This is my absolute favourite affirmation and I use it every day.  I find it so incredibly powerful and it was one of the affirmations that I personally feel helped me turn my own life around, from a life I didn’t really like to a life I absolutely love.
  • I am enough – I truly believe that the vast majority of people can really benefit from this affirmation.
  • I can easily create a life I love – This affirmation keeps me focused and is my daily reminder that I do have the power to create my life rather than leave it to chance.
  • I make positive choices for myself – This was definitely a powerful message for me during some tough times in my life.  It made me feel like I was worthy of having the life I wanted.
  • I’m safe and protected – This was such a powerful affirmation for me.  When my dad died, for a long time I had an overwhelming feeling of not being safe.  I hadn’t lived with my dad for many years when he died.  I was a grown adult with a child of my own but he was someone I strongly associated with in terms of keeping me safe, keeping me protected and he’d been taken from me.  This affirmation helped me to regain that feeling of being safe and protected. 
  • My health improves constantly – Always very powerful.  Read more on affirmations for healthy living.
  • My income constantly increases – I love this one and it’s really helped me to create a positive money mindset (it used to be pretty terrible)
  • I love and accept myself – This one is especially powerful if you have been used to putting yourself down
  • I love and respect myself – Similar to the previous message.  These affirmations will help you to build a positive relationship with yourself
  • I am loved – I knew I was loved but I didn’t always feel it even though I have the most wonderful family who tell me all the time. 
  • I am the best version of me – I spent many years not being the best version of myself, this affirmation for me was incredibly powerful
  • I choose my life – a daily reminder that I CAN CHOOSE
  • I’m strong, healthy and happy – I find this one incredibly empowering and uplifing
  • Good things happen to me all the time – Well, what a great message to fill your miind with, right?
  • People are really nice to me – I love saying this whenever I’m out and about and at social events
  • People are helpful and kind – This is my go to affirmation whenever I’m shopping or phoning a service business, etc.  It created a super positive vibe. 

Make a list of the things you want, how you want people to treat you and create your own affirmations.  Leave me a comment below with your own affirmations or if you’d like some ideas for something specific.

Daily positive affirmations for business success

Daily positive affirmations for your business and life. Click through for more
  • My business gets better and better every day – This is an ongoing power affirmation for me.
  • My income increases every month – I set myself a monthly income goal and always use this affirmation or something more specific such as “I easily achieve my income goal of…”
  • I’m a fantastic blogger and always know what to write about to support my readers (obviously change to fit your business)
  • I always get great ideas for my blog – Again, this is specific for me in the business that I run as a full-time blogger, if you’re a shop owner, you could say I always made a huge amount of sales
  • I work when I want, where I want and with the people I want to work with – This one has been really important for me over the year. I don’t use it so much these days but I used it a lot when this was what I was trying to create. I tend to say “I love working when I want and having a really successful business.”
  • I’m productive every day – Hmm, Yep, I need this one some days.
  • I achieve my goals and complete things on time – I used this a lot in the early days of my coaching business especially. I wasn’t so organized back then and this helped
  • I am valued – Always powerful, especially when dealing with clients, readers…
  • I am enough, I’m always enough, I’m always enough – ALL incredibly powerful
  • I am awesome (love this one) – This is definitely one of my favourite affirmations
  • My business is perfect for me – I think this is such an important affirmation. I always encourage people to get super clear about what success really means to them personally. Create a business that is perfect for you.
  • My business is successful in every way – I think this is a great cover all areas power affirmation
  • I make sales every day – If it’s sales you want, this is a great one
  • My ideal clients easily find me – I love this one and for me personally, it takes off that constant pressure to be all-singing, all-dancing on social media. I just relax in the knowledge that the right people will find me.
  • And for my all time favourite business affirmation – My business is a huge success. This empowers me more than any other in my business.

Again, get really clear about what you want and then create your own affirmations to fit you and your business.

If you haven’t got it yet, grab a FREE copy of my book Ideal Business Workbook and if you want to spend just a little money grab my Law of attraction Business planning Pack 

I hope you’ve found these daily positive affirmation ideas helpful.  Use these or create your own.

Enjoy trying them out and remember to let me know in the comments below which affirmations you like the most.

Recommended reading…

21+ Empowering Business Affirmations

Law of attraction for business success

Inspiring daily affirmations for business and life

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13 thoughts on “Daily positive affirmations for life and business

  1. I love these affirmations and I’m making a note to tell myself a few of them today! =)

  2. My affirmation to ppl when I greet them goodbye … or ending a conversation –
    “Good n Great things always you
    God bless U
    U r the best .

  3. Hello Wendy,
    During this time of COVID-19, I am feeling very much alone and struggling with fear based thinking. I am very appreciative of your wisdom using the affirmations to empower myself. I am going on a self judgement diet 🙏. “Thank you!”

  4. My name is James Williams. I am in the process of creating a nonprofit organization in Durant, MS.

    I really need some positive affirmations for my nonprofit at this time. I do not have the money I need to build the building I desire. I will need in the range of $150,000. I need a lot of positive saying. I have the faith. i need my mind programmed differently, because I have the belief that poverty leveled people can’t be a success. Thanks for the encouraging messages.

  5. I encourage you to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) first. Read my guide over on my other blog https://lifeandbusinesswithwendy.com/eft/ No special skills needed. Once you get used to the tapping poits, tap on what you said in the message, especially – I have the belief that poverty leveled people can’t be a success. This is a limiting belief that will block the success you want.

    Then I would focus on affirmations such as…

    I always have what I need to fulfil my project, My work makes a difference…
    You can also combine EFT with these positive statements to release resistance but you need to work on clearing that block first.

    Also, check out the business success affirmation for more ideas https://morningbusinesschat.com/21-affirmations-business-success/

    Wishing you every success.


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