When you create a law of attraction lifestyle it’s often the small changes that matter most.

So often when we think about the law of attraction, it’s about manifesting the big things like a dream home, a new car, a dream job… but often the biggest life changes come from the small things we attract in our daily life.

Law of attraction - The small things are often the best things.

I used to run a law of attraction bootcamp and this was a message I received from one of my members.

She wrote:

The thing your law of attraction bootcamp has taught me more than anything is that there is a positive to every situation no matter how bleak it seems at the time. That has held me in good stead several times this year, and being able to take a step back and seeking the positive out gives you a whole different perspective.

Thank you Kate (UK LOA Bootcamp Member)

I’ve been given permission to share this with you and here’s why I wanted to.

I could be one of those law of attraction people who tell you that you’ll get everything you ever wanted if you just follow my law of attraction lessons, but in reality, it rarely happens that way.

It’s these small shifts that Kate described above that will make the biggest difference to your life and certainly change how you feel about your life.

Creating a law of attraction lifestyle

My intention with all of my law of attraction posts I share is to help you create a law of attraction lifestyle so that you are manifesting things you want in your everyday life as well as those big things you want.

I want you to consistently learn how to become more and more of a match for the life you want.  The law of attraction isn’t the magic wand some people claim it to be, it’s a Universal Law that works.  It responds to us and what we are a match for.

There really isn’t any magic in it, it just is what it is, although I admit that many times it does feel like magic.

My law of attraction tip 

Focus on how you feel.  If it feels positive for you then that’s a good thing and it means you’ll be vibrating positive energy.  The law of attraction matches your vibrations positive or negative.

Watch my free 5 part law of attraction series to find out how to become even more of a match for the life you want.

On this blog, I now focus on people wanting to create their ideal business – For more LAW OF ATTRACTION support please come to my Life and Business With Wendy Blog.  I focus on 5 key areas, the law of attraction, EFT, Goal Setting, Affirmations and Life Skills.

Law of attraction - It's the small things that you manifest that are often the things that have the biggest impact on your life. #LOA #lawofattraction

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2 thoughts on “When you create a law of attraction lifestyle it’s often the small changes that matter most.

  1. I’m a women’s business trainer and coach, and one of the first principles I train my clients in is how to use their “happiness advantage” – for all the reasons you described. Great reminder Wendy, thank you!

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