Make sure that your daily goal setting leads to long-term success in your business. Daily business goals are the key to consistently moving you closer to your ideal business.
In this post, I’m going to run through how to set your daily business goals and tie it in with your to-do list.

Start with your bigger goals
This post forms a part of a mini-series so you can go into each stage of goal setting in more depth and I definitely recommend you do read those.
We start off with your long-term, ideal business goals. Download and complete the FREE Ideal Business Workbook.
From your long-term goals, break the goals down to form your yearly goals, Monthly goals, and weekly goals.
So if you’ve already done all of the above, you’re set to create your daily business goals.
A great question to ask each business day is “What can I do today to help me achieve my weekly business goals?”
Your daily business goals should move you closer to achieving your weekly business goals. Your weekly business goals move you closer to achieving your monthly business goals…
Your daily goal setting always should always help move you closer to a bigger goal.
Plan in appointments and your to-do list
Plan out your day making sure that you schedule in appointments and time specific events. Time-specific events for me might be, picking my son up, a client call, a live training session…
Once these time-specific events are in place, you can see clearly how much time you have left to work on your goals.
Put your most important goals and tasks from your to-do list.
Tip: Don’t let your to-do list take over so that you don’t get time to work on your business goals.
Break your weekly goals down to create your daily business goals
The next step is to add in your daily business goals.
I encourage you to keep your weekly goals visible throughout the week. Each business day, take a few minutes to plan out your day.
Which of your weekly goals are you working on today? I encourage you to work on your top priority goals first. If you always work on your priority goals as early in the day as possible, you will always have achieved something that moves you closer to your ideal business.
Add your to-do list
A daily to-do list is NOT your goals list. Your daily business goals should move you closer to your ideal business goals, whereas your to-do list includes all kinds of things that you need/want to do.
Don’t fill your day with non-essential things from your to-do list and leave your goals.
Most days my to-do list is at least a page long but not all of those things are that important. Just like with my goals, I prioritize my to-do list and I encourage you to do the same.
There will be things that I absolutely must do that day and things I would like to get done.
Example: I absolutely must email my client today as pre-arranged. I absolutely must check a payment has gone into my bank account. I would like to update my accounts today…
Prioritize your goals and prioritize your to-do list. What you work on first will depend on the importance of each task.
Take action on your daily business goals
Daily goal setting is great but it’s useless without action. This is a no brainer really but it’s still worth a mention. So many of us are super talented at the art of Putting Things Off.
I’m one of the biggest scatter brains going. I’m so easily distracted and some days I really have to force myself to get started.
Here’s the thing though, if you break your goals down well, each goal should feel completely doable for you so that getting started feels easy and not overwhelming.
If you do have any problems breaking your goals down, just leave a comment below and I’ll try to give you some suggestions.
Take specific goal orientated action consistently in your business and you’ll consistently move closer to your ideal business.
Recap – Daily goal setting for business success
- Start with your long-term goals -Download and complete the Ideal Business Workbook
- Break your goals down from your long-term goals, to yearly goals, to monthly goals, weekly goals and finally create your daily business goals.
- Add in appointments and time-specific events
- Add your to-do list but always prioritize tasks in order of importance
Bonus tips to help you achieve your business goals
I really wanted to share these bonus tips to help you create a positive mindset to help you achieve your business and life goals.
The one things I’ve learned during my life, time as a coach and working on my own goals is that if you don’t have a positive mindset, achieving goals is always going to be hard work, maybe even impossible.
EFT for Goal Setting Success
Try EFT to boost your energy and help you achieve your goals – Watch my special Goals Boosting EFT video and give your goals a real energy boost.
Hypnosis Downloads for Goal Setting Success
Try Hypnosis downloads (affiliate link notice – I love being an affiliate for this company, I believe in them and use them myself) – I find hypnosis downloads incredibly helpful for helping achieve things I want.
Hypnosis Downloads are fantastic value and as an added bonus, they’re incredibly relaxing. I tend to listen to the downloads at bedtime and often fall asleep listen to them letting them reprogram my mind to support me.
I’d like to recommend two downloads in particular. Reach your goals is a single download – 10 Steps to a Stellar Success Mindset is a download pack
As always, my very best wishes with all of your goals in life and business.
Wendy xx
P.S. Download your LOA Business Planning pack to get the law of attraction working in your business.