Write your goals down every day for more success

Do you write your goals down? Once a year?  Once a month?  Once week? How about EVERY SINGLE DAY?

Most of us have some sort of daily to-do list.  I really want to encourage you to start your business day by writing your big goals down, followed by the actions you intend to take each day to move you closer to achieving those goals.

If you haven’t already,  download a FREE copy of the Ideal Business Workbook and get super clear about what your ideal business means to you. 

Write your goals down every day for more business success.  I encourage you to get into the habit of writing your business goals and life goals down every single day.

Create a daily habit 

I encourage you to make it a daily habit to write your goals down and do it every single day.  I write mine down at the beginning of my business day and also at the end of the business day.

I’m not talking about a to-do list type set of goals.  What I mean by your big business goals are your yearly goals or even longer term.

So it might be your yearly sales target, to open a certain amount of shops by a certain date, to employ a certain amount of people in your local community, speak at a major event in your niche profession….

What can I do today to achieve this goal?

When you get into the daily habit of writing your big goals down at the top of a sheet of paper (I use my page to view diary).  Then ask yourself “What can I do today to move me closer to achieving my big business goals?”

So you can then write your daily goals down below your big goal.  Every day you want to be taking action to move you closer to your bigger goals rather than just taking random action that keeps you busy but isn’t really pushing you forward to achieve your big goals.

The reason I write my big goals down at the beginning of the day is so that I’m super focused on my big goals right from the beginning of the day and I also write them down at the end of the day so that throughout the night my subconscious mind gets to work, bringing forward anything that will help you achieve your goals the following day.

Write your goals down – What can I do today to move me closer to achieving these goals.

A little law of attraction business reminder

Okay, for those of you who don’t know, I’m a qualified law fo attraction practitioner.  A big part of my day to day work is helping people use the power of the law of attraction to create their ideal business.

So this is the very basic theory of how the law of attraction works – Whatever you focus your attention on the most is what you attract into your life.

With that in mind, getting into this habit of writing your big goals down means you are keeping your focus on what you ultimately want to achieve.

How to write your goals down

Here’s a little tip on how to write your goals down – Write it as if you have already achieved it.

Here are a few examples.

I spoke at a major event in London this year.

I achieved my target income goal of £100,000 profit this year.

I own 7 high street shops in my local area.

Some people recommend that a date is always included in your goals.  I have mixed feelings about this, to be honest. Sometimes I add a date but other times I leave it just as the goal.  The choice is yours.  The main key is to keep your focus on the goal.

More Goal Setting 

I’ve written a lot about goal setting here on the blog.  A few posts that I’d really like you to check out are…

Monthly Goal Setting, Weekly Goal Setting and Daily Goal setting.

Also, here are a couple of posts with tips to make sure that you are setting effective goals.

Massively Effective Goal Setting

Steps to Successful Goal Setting


SIMPLICITY GOAL SETTING PACK – Create time and energy for the things that are most important, plus there’s a free WEEKLY PLANNER download.

Monthly Goal Setting Guide and Planner – Setting monthly goals for yourself is one of the best things you can do for long term success.


Write your goals down every day

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3 thoughts on “Write your goals down every day for more success

  1. Very helpful, Wendy. I like how you point out what we focus on happens in LOA. I have goals and plans to reach them but really haven’t been writing down my goals daily.
    I’m going to begin to this in the morning and evening. And yes, writing them down as though I’ve achieved them! For example, ‘I’m selling 5 images a day on my site’.

  2. Hi Cindy, That’s great to hear. This was a tip I picked up from Brian Tracy and it ties in perfectly with deliberately using the law of attraction. It really makes a difference to me. I go through stages of forgetting to do it and after a short time, I can feel my self losing focus. Small daily habits really do make a massive difference.

  3. I appreciate you sharing because I do need to be very deliberate or I do lose track and get sidetracked. I believe this is going to be very helpful for me. Thank you!

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