How to Raise Your Business Profile and Get More Clients

If you would like to get more out of your business, you will have to start thinking about how you are perceived by your potential clients. It is often hard to see us with other people’s eyes, and it can be challenging to make a change, once we have developed an image. However, when you decide to scale up your business, change is inevitable. When you start targeting larger companies, you will have to appear more trustworthy and better suited to carry out their important projects. Rebranding is necessary, and below you will find a few tips on how to get started.

Your Online Accounts

The first place you have to look is your online accounts, especially your professional ones. Do you have an “about me” page that shows your expertise and qualifications? Are you displaying the right type of information on your pages? What was the last time you looked at and updated your LinkedIn profile picture? If you haven’t done it recently, it might be time to get some Headshot Photos done, so you can appear more professional and create the right image about your business. Smiling is important, but having an old photo or a low quality one will not get you clients.

How to Raise Your Business Profile and Get More Clients 

Your Branded Content  

Another thing you should take care of is the content you are putting and already have online. Look through your blog posts to see if they are relevant to where you are in business at the moment. If you have changed industries or targeting, your online content will need to reflect that, or you will end up having trouble with positioning yourself on the market, and might even confuse your clients when it comes to what you offer, what your mission and vision are, and what makes you stand out.

Case Studies

One of the surefire ways of raising your profile and showing off your expertise is creating case studies. Once you have been in business for a few years, you will know exactly what your readers are looking for and what the main problems of your potential clients are. If you can prove through your case studies that you have the answer to their issues, you will be able to get them to contact you with similar problems. It might be a good idea to do a bit of research and ask your customers what they would like to read about and which related topics they are interested in.


To rise your profile and create trust when people land on your page, you can also add testimonials, No matter if you are getting people to send a few lines via email, or encourage your customers to post a video on their social media profile or your pages you can share, you will be able to get more credibility out of your branding. After all, if you are selling high ticket items, you will need to convince your clients that you offer a good value for money and a reliable product or service.

Behind the Scene Videos

You can also create behind the scene videos, even Facebook Lives that will capture the interest of your target market. People are generally nosey, and if your business goal is to improve your business, you will need to provide more information than your competitors. At the same time you should aim for not only traffic, but also engagement, and this is where the videos can help you out. From showing your clients how you work to giving them a sneak peek into your new product or service, they will feel respected and valued and be more likely to come on board.

Consistent Marketing Messages

If there is one thing you need to focus on when creating a strong brand, it is consistency when it comes to your digital marketing messages. You have to use the same brand values, logo, and image, and choose your branding colors to make sure that your content is easy to recognise for your followers and your current clients. You don’t want to confuse them and give out mixed information about your company, mission, vision, and values, or your prices.

When you are looking to target a higher value niche, or simply need to get more clients to scale up your business, it is crucial that you pay attention to your online profile. Go through your LinkedIn pages with a fine toothed comb, read your old content to find out if it is still relevant to your business, and remain consistent when it comes to marketing communication.

How to Raise Your Business Profile and Get More Clients 

This post has been written by an outside source – See Disclosure policy

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