SEO Course That Actually Makes Sense

Finally, an SEO course that doesn’t make me feel like I’m trying to learn a whole new language and failing miserably or overwhelm me to the point where I want to cry.

I’ll put my hands up and fully admit that I am totally non-techie. My blogging and business friends who are rocking it in search engine results have long told me that this is where the best traffic comes from. I heard them and I totally understood the benefit of ranking high on sites like Google, but whenever I tried to learn (more than the basics) I just felt totally overwhelmed? Can you relate to this?

Anyway, today I am so pleased to be telling you that I found a course that actually makes sense, I’ll tell you all about it and how you can get it too below.

SEO course - SEO Navigation from Lyrical Host.  At last, SEO that actually makes sense.
SEO Navigation Course

Simple and easy to follow steps

At the time of writing this post, I’m just over 60% through the course and I’ve found it so easy to follow. The course is broken down into really manageable self-paced steps so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

The course SEO NAVIGATION is run by Lyrical Host (my amazing hosting company for all of my blogs). I spoke to co-founder Jenni Brown just after the course launched and she said that her big concern was that the information wasn’t overwhelming. I was able to assure her it wasn’t. If anyone was going to get overwhelmed by SEO information it was going to be me and I haven’t. I think that’s down to the clear instructions and the way the course is set out.

Some of the lessons have taken me as little as 10 minutes to complete whilst others, I’ll stay on and keep going back to them over the course of a few days to make sure I’m really applying what I’m learning.

TOP TIP: You can jump about in the course but I recommend working through the course step by step as it’s laid out. You can jump about as you need to once you’ve completed it in full.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Blog Hosting with Lyrical Host, I wrote a special post about why I absolutely love them – Cheap Blog Hosting You Can Count On.

Exceptional Support

One of the reasons I was so excited about this SEO course and why I specifically waited for this one, is because Lyrical Host, as my blog hosting company offers exceptional support. I know that if I don’t quite understand something or even if I just want to double-check I’ve understood correctly, the support is always first class. They’re based in the UK and whilst their tech support is 24/7, the course support is supposedly business hours but I can tell you that they don’t run normal business hours (9-5) by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I’m not even sure if they sleep. In other words, you won’t be waiting days for a reply.

The biggest thing I’ve learned

I really have learned so much on this course and I’ve still got a long way to go but I think the biggest thing I’ve learned so far is that I had a lot of posts that were competing against each other, or Keyword cannibalization.

I had lots of posts that had the same or a very similar keyword and this wasn’t good SEO. I’ve been able to combine some posts, making them better and get rid of or redirect other posts (something else I’ve learned how to do correctly). I thought that by creating new posts that were similar to other’s doing well I was doing a good thing for my blog traffic, I now realize why that plan wasn’t working for me. This is huge for me. I’m always telling people to work smarter not harder and now I can do just that making every post work for me.

Ranking with the wrong posts

Another thing I’ve realized is that some of the posts that I don’t feel are my best are ranking quite well and my best posts that are similar aren’t, so I’ve been able to work with this knowledge and improve the posts that are ranking and sometimes combine the other posts, so that my best content is what ranks.

How to get the course

This is my affiliate link to access the SEO NAVIGATION COURSE – SEO COURSE by Lyrical Host. At the time of writing this post, the price is £80 (you can change the currency on the site) which I think is very reasonable for what you get. The course is only just being made available to non-members so I’m not sure if the price will go up after it’s been available for a while.

I hope, as always that you’ve found this information useful. I always want to share the things that help me in my business and to grow my blogs.

Please share wherever you can as this really helps me and helps others who may need this information.

Learn SEO - Self paced SEO course that actually makes sense.

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