Landing Page Vs Product Page: Which Should You Aim For?

At any given time there are millions of consumers around the world, all searching for different keywords that pertain to the product and or service they are after. So in this sense, what should come first the chicken or the egg? For businesses, this is a question that can be translated into the battle between the landing page and the product page. Your advertisements foist consumers to your landing page where they are funnelled to a particular product that was the focal point of the ad itself? However, for the search ranking result link it could go to the keyword relevant in the search. So where does this leave the product page? It means that the majority of your products don’t actually get seen by the majority of consumers. Therefore, marketing your product page should become a priority so that you have more chance of making a sale in other areas besides the keyword. How could you do both and see which one is more effective for your business?

Singular promotion is inept


When you want to move some unsold inventory, keep up with your sales targets, and keep a steady cash flow going, promotional selling is the key. This means that you will be offering discounts to consumers; such as a certain percentage off the normal price, or multiple products on offer for the price of one or two. Advertising just one product this way is incredibly ineffectual, compared to the generalisation that can be offered instead. Don’t just make one product discounted, make multiple at the same time. They don’t have to be related at all, thus giving you a broader appeal and chance of making more sells. You should be making pay-per-click or video advertisements that showcase this broad sale initiative, rather than focusing on one product that may not be attractive to everyone. When consumer click on said ads, they should be transported directly to your product page, where they have many options to choose from. If they were to be transported to a landing page with just a few or less products, you promotion wouldn’t be as effective.


Tactical content


Content marketing is the most effective way to showcase your business. Consumers can only have ads thrown at them for so long. Without making some kind of connection in content they can consume and absorb, they don’t know enough about you to cross that bridge to becoming a customer. Therefore, your SEO needs to be tactical, and focused on delivering a highly optimised approach to keywords. These keywords can be in your business blog, and even featured in journalist articles writing about you; after you have made a deal with the publisher of course. The optimised keywords will account for related wording, which will be generally used with them. When a browning consumer click on these keywords, they can be transported to the landing page, to get access to exactly what they were reading about. This saves time for browsing consumers both on computers, and smartphones especially.


It depends how focused you want to be with your sales and marketing approach. Do you want to grab new customers by introducing them to certain products you offer? Or, would you like to take advantage of a seasonal sale initiative and offer a broad spectrum of your business to consumers?

Landing Page Vs Product Page: Which Should You Aim For? #Business #OnlineBusiness

  • This post has been written for Morning Business Chat by an outide source.

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