Do you ever get that feeling that everything is going wrong. I’ve certainly had those days, weeks, months and it’s easy to get into a spiral of negative thinking and focusing on every tiny thing that goes wrong.
Law of attraction reminder ~ What we focus our attention on the most is what we draw into our lives.
What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life. Oprah Winfrey
If you need a full reminder of how the law of attraction works >>Click Here<<
So we want to get our focus off the Negative Stuff and onto the Positive Stuff.
4 ways to shift your focus from negative to positive.
- Use positive Affirmations
- Focus on what you have in your life to be grateful for
- Ask yourself “If I don’t want this, what do I want?”
- Use spot it and swap it (See below)
Spot it and Swap it
This is a simple, yet powerful exercise. You simply become more concious of how you’re thinking, speaking and acting. If you spot a negative then you simply swap it for something more positive. Make it a game.
For more on gratitude and affirmations, this is a great post to read >> 2 easy law of attraction tips to raise your vibrations
What to do if you feel everything is going wrong
Here’s my advice if you are reading this and thinking everything is going wrong. It’s an awful feeling and I want you to be out of that negative feeling place as quickly as possible. So use the tips I shared above to start shifting your focus. Then FOCUS ON ONE THING that you want to change.
So let’s say, you’re not happy with your job, your relationship, the way you feel about yourself, your car, the kids….
Pick one thing to improve and I’d like to suggest you pick something quite small to start off with and I’d also suggest something that will help you to feel better about yourself.
Here’s an example: I hate the way I look when I look in the mirror.
Let’s start work on just that. What don’t you like, Make a list.
Now make a list (using that first list) and write down what you can do to change it.
So your list might be something like this.
Don’t like about myself right now.
My hair looks a mess
My clothes do nothing for me
My skin looks dull and spotty
I’m too fat…
What you can do to change things around.
Get a good haircut and some styling tips.
Buy some new clothes or make an effort to wear the nicer clothes you already have.
Get a facial or invest in a good skin care routine (this doesn’t need to cost a lot of money, maybe it’s just your time).
Plan and eat healthier meals, drink more water, take more exercise, deal with your negative emotions and limiting beliefs using EFT or Hypnosis Download.
Now narrow it down even further, for more focus.
Okay so using the example above, you’ve decided that the one area you want to focus on is feeling better about yourself. You want to feel good when you look at yourself in the mirror.
You have your list of actions you can take.
Now just pick one and focus completely on it until you can tick it off and move onto something else.
So let’s say you decide the first thing you’re going to do is focus on your skin care routine. If you’re anything like me you’ve probably got a stash of cleansers, etc. Set aside a nice amount of time to really enjoy the me time and work on your skin. Take your time and use affirmations as you cleanse, etc. My skin is clear and healthy, My skin is beautiful and healthy…
When you’re done, take a look in the mirror and appreciate your skin. I’m grateful for the time to focus on improving my skin, I’m taking time to care for my skin.
Then over the next few days, keeping up with the skin care routine and gently massaging the skin, taking the time for yourself, keep noticing any positive changes that happen.
Once you’re happy with your routine and see an improvement, pick something else to focus on.
A sense of accomplishment and achievement
By focusing on just one thing, you are making it easier for the law of attraction to work for you to make it easier for you to achieve what you want.
Also when you are focusing on just one thing and a fairly small thing, you will achieve this quicker and you can put it down as an achievement. This will help you to feel like you’re getting somewhere and that even though life is not perfect and there are still a lot of things that you’re not happy with in your life, some things are working and some things you like.
It will give you a sense of control over your life.
Over to you.
Have you found these tips helpful? I’d love to hear which area of your life you’re focusing on improving.
Important note: If you feel things are too overwhelming for you to deal with alone, please seek out professional help. There are many, many ways to get support. Get in touch is you need my support.
Love and happiness
Wendy xx
Yes, very good – focus on one thing, one step at a time. Thanks for the reminder!
You’re welcome Yvette, I think we all need this reminder from time to time. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Wendy
I am slowly learning to use positive thinking. Takes a long time after years of negativity. Thanks for all your tips & advice. 1 step at time ………
Well done Kathryn. You’re absolutely right. One step at a time. Give me a shout if I can help at all. I’ve made that journey from negativity to positivity and it’s good to have as much support as you can get. xxx