Your Business Won’t Make It To 2021 If You’re Not Doing This…

There’s no doubt about it. Your business has been through the wringer these past few months. 2020 has thrown a pretty colossal spanner in your works, and now the future looks bleaker and more uncertain than ever. You may have had to make some huge operational changes just to be able to stay afloat. Your operations may have ground to a standstill. You may be struggling to get the government support that your business deserves. You may even have had no choice but to let some members of your team go. 

Now that the wheels of commerce are turning again, customers are starting to come back and you’re navigating the rest of the year with a sense of tentative hope, you know that you’re not out of the woods yet. You know that you can’t afford to take a single customer, a single sale for granted. And the really scary truth is that your business may not make it to the end of 2020. You need to make sure you’re doing all of these things if you’re to stay operational in 2021…

Listening to other business owners

You have a unique vision. That’s your USP. Your own unique combination of experience, gut instinct, personal passion and creative flair have made your business what it is. But don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security. Now, more than ever, you need to learn and listen from the experience of other entrepreneurs. Whether that comes in the form of listening to business audio books when you commute to work, reaching out to a business mentor, or simply attending networking events (yes, they’re still happening) where you can talk to like-minded entrepreneurs. Their insights, anecdotes and advice could be what helps you chart a path to survival and even growth in these dark times. 

Innovating in your field

Admittedly, sometimes it may feel as though it’s all you can do to get from one day to the next. Nonetheless, if you’re not innovating, you’re stagnating. If you can find a way to innovate within your field, you give your customers one more reason to keep choosing you over your competitors. There are also consultants out there who can help you to get the R&D Tax Relief you need to fund your innovation without crippling your cash flow. You’ve faced so much disruption in 2020 anyway. Now is not the time to rest on your laurels. 

Being proactive in engaging your customers

At a time when consumer confidence is at its lowest in years, your customers may need a little extra coaxing out of their shells to engage with your brand. But that’s okay! Use this as an opportunity to show how proactive you can be in communicating with your customers. Wow them with interesting and useful content marketing materials. Engage with them meaningfully on social media. Show them how hard you’re working to keep them safe on and off your premises. 

Giving your employees the TLC they deserve

Your business cannot be hugely successful if you under-invest in the people who make it what it is. It’s not enough to simply keep them in a job. You need to show them that you care about helping them achieve their career goals under your roof. You need to ensure that each and every one has their own course of Continuous Professional Development. If they’re properly trained, incentivised and motivated, the sky’s the limit. Even in these dark times! 

  • DISCLOSURE – This post has been written by an outside source
Your Business Won't Make It To 2021 If You're Not Doing This...

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