How to set powerful business goals over the next 12- months

Today I want to share 10 powerful yet incredibly simple tips for effective Business Goal Setting.  This is a 12-month system.  I personally start this system at the beginning of each year, but you can start it at any time.

10 tips to help you set effective business goals. Tips and replay of the live training.

These are the main tips I share in the live training replay

Get clear about what your ideal business is.  Describe it in as much detail as possible.

Getting super clear about your ideal business is so incredibly important and unfortunately, this is something so many new business owners skip over.  When you get clear about your ideal business, you’re laying the foundations for your business success.

If you’d like help with this.  Get a FREE copy of my Ideal Business workbook.

Describe your ideal business in lots of detail. Keep this description somewhere where you can read it regularly to keep you focused.

Make a list of what you’ll need to achieve

Now looking at your description. List all the things you’d need to achieve to have that ideal business.

Just add anything that comes to mind.  You can always de-clutter your list as you go along.  A good way to do this is to imagine that you already have your ideal business.  What have you done to get where you are?

Create your 12-month goals

From this list, now create your goals for the next 12 months.  What do you want to achieve in the next 12 months?


12-month action plan

What action steps will you need to take over the next 12 months to achieve these goals?

Again WRITE YOUR ACTION PLAN DOWN.  You may need to adjust this throughout the course of the year as your business grows and you learn more or things in your life or the business world change.

Monthly Goals

Break your Yearly goals down into Monthly Goals.  Okay, so have your yearly goals in front of you and simply ask “What do I need to achieve this month to ensure I achieve my yearly goals?”

Monthly action plan

List your key action steps for the month.  This is not a to-do list.  You want to simply list your KEY action steps.

A key step is to use social media to get your business in front of more people.  You can then break it down in the later stages.

Break your monthly goals down to your weekly goals and action plan

Same idea.  Use your monthly goals to set your weekly goals and action plan.  So with your action plan, you will now want to start getting a bit more specific.  So you might take your key action step of USING SOCIAL MEDIA TO GET YOUR BUSINESS IN FRONT OF MORE PEOPLE.  So now you might add Learn how to use Pinterest effectively to increase the traffic to my blog or Invest in Facebook ads to increase traffic to my website/sales page…

Prioritize your goals

Prioritizing your goals is an essential skill all business owners must master.  Do your most important jobs first.  At the beginning of every 12 month period, month, week and day I encourage you to prioritize your most important tasks for that time period.

Daily goals and to-do list

When you set your daily goals, work from your weekly goals.  Your action plan will now start to look a bit more like a to-do list.  You’ll need to add things like meetings, what time you need to pick the kids up…  Again prioritize what’s most important for each part of the day.


I encourage you to take consistent action.  Using this GOAL SETTING method should go a long way to keeping focused.  One thing I’ve been guilty of and see a lot of small business owners doing is getting side-tracked and going off course regularly.

By following the 12-month system where you keep breaking those goals down until you get your daily goals, you’ll keep your big goals as your FOCUS.


A few more ideas to help you to set effective business goals

Mindset tip: Every business day, ask yourself this question – What can I do today to move me closer to achieving my goals for this year? 

Click the link for the Free 10 Step -12Month Business Goals and Planning Printout 

For more support with your business goals check out the following resources  I provide

Goal Setting for Business Success Online Course.  This is a low priced course to help you set effective business goals and achieve them.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask below.  Wishing you every success with your 2016 business goals.

Did you write your business goals down for this year?

Now before you go, take a moment to answer this question in the comments below.   Did you write down your business goals for this year?10 tips to set

What next?

Do you have any questions for me?  Just ask in the comments below.

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