Are some people naturally using the law of attraction?

Naturally using the law of attractionI’ve got two answers to the question “Are some people naturally using the law of attraction?”

Answer 1: Yes, some people are naturally using the law of attraction to attract the life they want.”

Answer 2: The law of attraction is working for every single person, whether they understand it or not.

Some people are naturally attracting the life they want and they’ve never even heard of the law of attraction.

Some people just seem to naturally attract whatever they want.  They just naturally are a match for whatever they want and draw it to them, yet if I was to ask so many of these people to talk about the law of attraction, they’d probably look at me like I have two heads.

When a baby is born, we don’t give them a lesson on how to breathe, it just happens naturally. Same thing happens with the law of attraction, but so many of us then somehow manage to pick up crappy beliefs that don’t support us, focus on the negatives in life and things get messed up.

So what happens if we’re not naturally attracting what we want.

What happens for the vast majority of people is we attract some things we want and some things we don’t.  We’re on a sort of default setting.

Some people are attracting more of what they don’t want and for these people, it’s important for them to learn how the law of attraction works, so that they can learn how to get it working FOR them rather than against them.

There’s never a time it’s not working

The law of attraction is always, always working.  There’s no switch off button, you can’t choose whether it works in your life or not.  You CAN choose to learn how it works and become a match for the things you want so that you can effectively start attracting what you want.

I hope you’re reading this and thinking “Yes, I’m one of those people who naturally attract the things I want, life is fantastic!”

If you’re not, let’s do something about that.

4 ways you can learn more about the law of attraction.

Read the other Law of Attraction posts here on this blog, there are loads.

Check out my Law of Attraction YouTube videos.

Grab my FREE law of attraction Top tips download

Want to really get stuck in with serious one to one support, then come and join my online Law of Attraction Bootcamp

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Happy manifesting

Wendy xx

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