Do you need to get more productive and find a way to avoid distractions in business?
Seriously, when it comes to distractions I’m off with anything shiny or remotely interesting, so when it comes to running a successful business or pretty more getting anything of value done in my life, I really need to keep on top of this side of my nature in and get productive.
As business owners, you and I need to be super productive. And not just some of the time – Every business day.
8 Productivity tips to avoid distraction in your business
Follow these 8 tips to avoid distractions in your business or at least drastically reduce your distractions.

Tip One: Know what distracts you from your work
Only once you know what distracts you, can you work on eliminating it from your business day.
For me, it’s things like social media, housework, interesting things that people send me, google.
I can easily spend hours on these things and then realize I haven’t got any work done.
Once you know what distracts you, you can set boundaries.
Example: I use social media a great deal for my business which is great, but during my work hours I am now very strict about how I use social media.
During work hours, I use social media in a very focused way, I comment on my Business Page on Facebook, reply to comments and move off, post to twitter and check notifications, move on, the same for LinkedIn and Google+
Monitor your Social Media and Emails time as they are a massive drain on your time.
My aim is to get in – Stay completely focused on things that are business-related and get out.
With emails, I regularly unsubscribe from newsletters that I’m not totally interested in and regularly read. Also when I check my emails throughout the business day, I stay focused on business and anything not related to business is left until the evening. Note: I usually check emails 2-3 times a day maximum.
What are your distractions and how can you set boundaries?
Tip Two – Get clear about what you want and why you want it
Get super clear about what you want in business and life – Grab a free copy of the Ideal Business Workbook. This workbook will help you to gain real clarity and focus in your business.
Once you know what you want, do a little digging and ask yourself why you want it.
Example: I want to be a successful blogger and consistently make a high income from activities related to my blog – I want this because I love working on my blog, I love sharing information and ideas to help others and I love having plenty of money to live the life I want. Put all of this together and my why is that I have a financially secure future which helps me to feel safe, doing something I love, on my own terms.
With a clear vision of what you want and why you want – It’s much easier to stay focused on the activities that move you closer to what you want and avoid distractions in your business.
What do you want and why?
Tip Three: Reward yourself
I think rewarding yourself for your achievements in business and life is really important. It doesn’t have to be anything big – 10 minutes on social media chatting with friends once you’ve completed your priority task for the morning, an afternoon in the garden relaxing and reading a good book when you’ve completed a big project or a day at a spa. Rewards help to keep motivated as you consistently work toward achieving your ideal business.
Tip Four: Know who you are and your best way to work
Some people can focus on one thing for hours and hours without getting the slightest bit distracted. I’m so not that person. Knowing this about myself helps me to plan my day effectively.
My key tasks usually take no more than an hour to complete. I have an hourly to-do list and aim to have a break at the end of each hour to get up and do something different for 5 minutes, maybe play with the dog, do a little housework or just grab a cup of tea. I know that I need that quick switch off time so that I can stay productive throughout the whole day.
Go with 10-minute focus slots if that’s all you can deal with and then gradually increase the time. Just make sure that during your set time, you’re really focusing on your priority task.
Tip Five: Schedule in your priority tasks first
Here’s the thing. If you fill your day with small, easy, not that important to the success of your business tasks, you’ll end the day feeling like you haven’t really achieved anything. You’ll end up frustrated and you won’t be motivated to continue.
When you schedule in and complete a key priority task – One that will have a big impact on your business. Even if you only get that one thing done, you’ll end the day with a feeling of accomplishment.
You’ll know that you’ve taken action each and every day that moves you a step closer to the business you want.
Tip Six: Practice EFT
Practice EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help you concentrate and stay focused.
EFT is, in my opinion, the quickest and best way to release negative energy such as a cluttered and distracted mind.
Follow along with this quick script.
- Tap the side of the hand and repeat 3 times – I release distractions and clutter from my mind, I’m focused on my key tasks.
- Tap all of the following points gently repeating the words – I release distractions, I remain focused. Move points after you’ve said the whole statement.
- Top of the head
- Start of the eyebrow
- Side of the eye
- Under the eye
- Under the nose
- Chin (between the bottom lip and bottom of chin)
- Collar bone ( the bumps at the base of your throat)
- Side of thumb
- Tap each finger in turn
- Finish at the side of the hand again
A good rule of thumb with EFT is to tap out the negative energy and tap in the positive energy.
Tip Seven: Try listening to a hypnosis download
Try listening to one (or both) of these hypnosis downloads (Affiliate link – because I genuinely love this company and use the downloads personally) Personal Productivity or Be More Productive
I like to listen to these downloads when I’m relaxed in bed at the end of the day. However, when I first got them and I was super distracted all the time, I listened to the daily at the start of my business day for two full weeks. I knew it would be time well spent.
Tip Eight: Do this mind clutter exercise
Try this exercise ~ At the start of the day or just before you need to really focus on something, take a few sheets of A4 paper and start writing. This is what I call Babble Writing. Just get everything that’s whizzing around in your head out on paper, then when you’re done, put that to one side and your mind will be much clearer. Watch this video to learn more about Babble Writing
Let’s do a recap – Avoid distractions in business and be more productive
- Know your distractions
- Get clear about what you want and why
- Reward yourself
- Know yourself and how you work at your best
- Schedule your most important task first
- Practice EFT – Follow the tapping script
- Try hypnosis downloads
- Do the mind clutter exercise
Now you have a clear plan of action to deal with distractions in your business.
P.S. Remember to grab your copy of the Ideal Business Workbook and you might also like to get the law of attraction Business Planner pack to gain super clear focus in your business.

Distracted! Yep, I am distracted by this post but in a good way. As a mom, wife and owner of two small businesses with the added gift of ADHD – I am one easily distracted person. I will be reading this one a few more times! Thank you.
OMG – you could be describing me here! Definitely need to know what I can manage and how long I can focus for – yep – about a nanosecond …
Going to implement these tips now 🙂
Loved this article Wendy and I really like how you break your blog posts down into a number of slots. I tend to bunch all of that together and as you will see from my own blog, very seldom get around to updating it. I tend to keep a to-do-list each day too and find that on days when I don’t, I get very little done. Thanks for the tips especially social media, it is definitely my time waster.
Thanks for the comment Amanda. I’m doing the 30 day blogging challenge which I’m absolutely loving and it’s really helping me get focused on where I want this blog to go. Take a look here xx
Yey, all those wonderful gifts Leslie. We’re all so unique and how wonderful that is. We just all need to work with what we’ve got and love it. Thanks for sharing. xx
Your comment made me smile Tamsin. Love it and work with it. You’re perfect just the way you are.
Thanks for commenting.
I would love to comment, but I was distracted while trying to read thi… darn it, I forgot to start the dishwasher, I’m sorry where was I? Oh yes, being distracted! Yes, Yes, Yes, all of the same distractions you have and I work hard to not let them… never works!
Well said and done!
So funny Robyn. Have a brilliant day. x