Your employee’s are the driving force behind your production and sales. As soon as you hire that first employee they’ll be taking a tonne of weight off your shoulders. But think about how it’s affecting them. So many companies work their employee’s hard with so little rewards. This leads to lack of interest in the company, and in turn will lead to a drop in levels of productivity. It seems most managers nowadays forget what it was like to be an employee themselves, and forget how hard it is to work long hours, and those long hours are usually spent being treated badly. Take Amazon’s latest drivers scandal as an example. Have a read on to realise how you can keep your workforce happy.

How to keep your workforce happy


This is the main one that you should focus on. There’s nothing less demotivating than being stuck in a workplace where you’re being treated like you mean nothing. Yet this is what so many companies are doing to their employee’s. All it takes is a friendly smile, or even just asking them how they are to show a little bit of respect. Either you, or your shift managers etc. should always speak to employees with respect when asking them to do something as well. It’s all too common for people to be spoken to as if they’re worthless purely because they’re at the bottom of the chain in command. Don’t let this be you. Take notes from the businesses that are failing to do so. It seems especially common in warehouses and packaging areas that people seem to be treated the worst. Take a look at your runnings and improve them.


Bonuses & Pay Rises

There’s nothing your employee will look forward to than a bonus. It shows their hard work is being appreciated, and gives them a little helping hand on top of their paychecks. Pay Rises are something all employees should receive, but sadly some don’t receive as often as they should do. There are systems out there such as HRMS that perform the pay review process for you. It’ll ensure nobody is left without what they deserve, and is an easy way to keep everyone happy. Failure to give pay rises does violate the law, so as well as keeping employees happy, it is a necessary part of running a business.



Incentives are the perfect way to keep employees motivated. Giving them something to work towards drives their passion to come into work. It could be something like a day out, a paid day off, anything to keep them interested and motivated. Again, this is something that a lot of companies fall short of. But it’s the one thing that can keep the driving force of your business engaged. Not only that, but it’ll look good for new potential employee’s joining if you can say we offer such and such as an incentive. Make sure they’re regular rather than a one off as well. Maybe once a month have a target for them to meet, and if they do they all receive something in reward.


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