Why it’s so important to focus on what you want

Today I want to explain to you in law of attraction terms why it’s so important to focus on what you want.

First here’s a wonderful quote by Jack Canfield about focus.

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.  Jack Canfield

focus on what you want
Okay, let’s talk law of attraction
The law of attraction draws to us whatever we focus our attention on the most.  This is a term we here a lot in connection with the law of attraction and whilst it is true, we also need to back that focus up with the way we feel and make sure our beliefs are a match for what we want.
That being said being able to focus on what you want is in my opinion essential.
Let’s look at two different scenarios connected to the way people treat you.
If you want people to treat you well and speak to you in a nice voice then that’s where your focus needs to be.
Let’s start of with negative focus
I know lots of people who focus on the negative stuff, I used to do it, maybe you’ve done it or maybe you know people who do it.
A hundred people could be really nice, polite and respectful towards them as they go about the day and one person is rude to them, they spend the rest of the day complaining to anyone who’ll listen about the one person who was rude and not a mention about the hundred people who are nice and polite.
Focus on what you want when it shows up
  • That person was so polite to me just then
  • I love the way my friends speak to me
  • I really like how my… (son, husband, friend, sister…) is speaking to me
  • I like it when people ask how I am and I can tell they are genuinely interested in me.

Focus on what you want

Focus on what you want to show up as if you already have it

  • My friends make time for me
  • My partner always speaks in a way that is respectful
  • People in the street are polite around me
  • My boss shows that he appreciates me

Think of the law of attraction like a big magnet.  Whatever you focus on is what the magnet is going to start drawing into your life.

Have you ever gone to look around a car dealers, seen a particular car you like and then all of a sudden you notice loads of cars of that type.  Well they haven’t suddenly all appeared, it’s just that you’re noticing them more because you’re focusing on them.

When I bought my car that I have now, I bought it from a garage in the city that I’d never heard of before called Quicks.  Then every time I was out driving, I’d see stickers in back windows saying Quicks.  They were all over the place and I’d never noticed them at all.

It’s allowing things into your awareness and when you start focusing on something you want, it just starts to show up in your life.

But be warned, the same thing happens if you’re focusing on something you don’t want, it will show up more.

Over to you now

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Love and happiness

Wendy xx

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8 thoughts on “Why it’s so important to focus on what you want

  1. In my reflections of this year and intentions for the next–suddenly it all came clear. Suddenly I could see the forest and the Universe for the trees! This post reminds me of that experience!

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