The 3 Areas Where Most Entrepreneurs Fall Down

Being an entrepreneur is as much about mindset as it is about the skills you have. You can be a self-starter and spend years educating yourself before you jump into the world of business but if you keep making excuses with certain personal components relating to your attitude you are doing your business a disservice but you are also going to struggle in the big wide world. While there is that statistic that approximately 70% of all businesses with employees fail within 10 years we’ve got to address why this is the case. A lot of this is to do with your own perspective and attitudes. What are the components where most entrepreneurs fall down?

Being Unable To Ask For Help

Those people that are self-starters may feel that temptation to stay that way despite the hole they have dug themselves into. When entrepreneurs run into very real business problems, whether it’s in relation to the legal aspects of business or there’s a problem with an employee, you’ve got to know your details or at the very least you need to have someone who does. There’s a lot of employment law support out there to cover issues in terms of the legalities and problems within human resources. But because so many entrepreneurs feel that they’re not able to reach out initially they are selling themselves short.

An Inability To Be Transparent

Ask yourself why you started a business. Is it because you have a passion for the products or is it because you want to boss people around so you feel big? Everybody has that temptation within them but after a while, we soon realize the importance of being a diverse leader. Transparency and authenticity are qualities that every leader should have within them, especially when problems come to the fore. Ensuring you have skills relating to transparency isn’t just about soft skills or being able to communicate with all walks of life but it’s something that should flow through your veins.

Not Creating A Sustainable Working Culture

Being an entrepreneur is a lot to do with how you lead but it’s also about the people you surround yourself with. Long-term success is dependent on building that tribe of people who have the mentality to push the business further up. When there is dissension in the ranks and there is an “us versus them” mentality this soon festers and turns into a company mindset that causes a downward spiral. After a while, people will be unhappy with their working environment and will soon move onto pastures new.

Making that leap from business owner to a well-rounded entrepreneur is as much about changes in business as it is about yourself. Many entrepreneurs can struggle to become the leader that they really want to be or they go in with the wrong attitude. Ask yourself what you want to achieve, is it money or is it about something far more fulfilling? If you want to make money you can very easily go and work for someone else. But if you want to create a business that lasts and you want to stretch yourself in the process you’ve got to look within yourself. 

*Please note that this post has been written by an outside source – See Disclosure Policy

The 3 Areas Where Most Entrepreneurs Fall Down

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