Want to become the best business owner, and person that you can be? Here are a few changes and adjustments you can make to go
Author: Wendy Tomlinson
Hi, I'm Wendy, your online life and business coach - I'm a qualified law of attraction practitioner, EFT master practitioner and life skills coach. After years of private coaching, I now follow my real passion for blogging and creating content that will help you create a life and business you love.
Please feel free to ask questions, I love hearing from my readers.

Content marketing has been the buzz word in the profession for a few years now, and it shows no signs of going away anytime soon.

We are living in a time where everything that we do as individuals and in business needs to reflect positively on the environment around us.

There are plenty of ways that you can start a home business, and a cookie business is one of the best out there! Being able

Music is a huge part of our lives. But changes in the way we consume music over the past couple of decades have changed the

Sometimes, we become so caught up in the day to day process of running our businesses – so many constant to-do list tasks shouting for