Are Your Business Premises Perfectly Safe?

The premises you run your business out of need to be safe and secure at all times, and when you’re a small operation with few resources to depend on, this can be hard to do!

However, it doesn’t have to be an impossible feat, and with the ideas below, this post is here to help you allocate the resources you do have out right. After all, you can save a lot of time and money when you keep things safe, and there’s plenty of low budget ways to ensure this. 

Maintain a Security Cycle

Security is the number one way to keep your business premises safe, seeing as outside threats are the most common you’re ever going to come up against. You could be a target of crime at any time during your business’ life cycle, and having the foresight to tackle issues like this is key. 

So, at the very least you’ll need to ensure you have security cameras in place, and check footage on a regular basis. Keep all entry and exit points covered, and don’t be afraid to invest in alarms as well. One window alarm, that’s primed when the last person leaves the office, could keep you from losing thousands in office equipment. 

Run Regular Checkups

You’re going to need to run regular checkup drills within your business, to ensure all employees know what to do in case of something like a fire or incoming natural disaster. Indeed, you can make good use of Fire Alarm Monitoring within your company at least once a month to ensure your alarms are capable of notifying you. 

Similarly, make sure you have clear exit points at all times, and that all staff know the various safety procedures in case of fires, floods, and earthquakes. These can strike at any time, and the processes to handle them should be performed at least 4 times a year. Try to aim for at least once a quarter, if you’re pushed for both time and resources in your small business. 

Never Skip a Clean Up

As the pandemic has taught us, now more than ever, it’s important to keep things clean and tidy. Any and all business premises should be sanitised on a regular basis, at least at the end of every shift, but hopefully once or twice during the day as well. Indeed, good cleaning habits have become more in depth than ever before. 

Moreover, allowing your employees to use hand sanitiser when at their desks, and providing plenty of soap and fresh, running water in bathrooms and work kitchens are both good ideas. A standard of cleanliness should be upheld at all times, helping to stop any and all germs in their path. 

Your business premises deserve a watchful eye, especially during such an unprecedented time in our lives. Make sure you’re running regular drills, checking in on security at all points, and that your premises are as clean as they were when you first moved in. 

  • DISCLOSURE – This post has been written by an outside source

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