10 law of attraction tips to help you attract the life you want

10 law of attraction tipsUnderstanding how the law of attraction works and using it in my own life has been a wonderful journey so far.

So today, I’d like to share with you 10 Law of Attraction Tips to help you attract the life you want.

1. Get clear about what you want

You don’t need the whole picture but I strongly recommend you do take the time to have a clear idea of where you’re heading. Read more

2. Be a positive thinker

Mike Dooley from The Secret says ~ Thoughts become things

More on positive thinking

3. Visualize your life as you want it, as if you already have it.

Enjoy imagining yourself living your ideal life.

4. Focus on what you want in every day life

Make it a daily habit to focus on what you want rather than the things you don’t

5. Surround yourself with positive people

When you surround yourself with positive people, it’s much easier for you to stay positive too.

6. Practice affirmations

Affirmations help keep your thoughts positive and help to shift negative beliefs.  Learn more about positive affirmations

7. Focus on the things that show up in your life that you like, enjoy, want, love…

The more you focus on the good stuff you already love, the more you will atract like this.

8. Change your beliefs to positive

Check out my FREE EFT Videos and Hypnosis Downloads (affilate link) to help you shift your beliefs from negative to positive

9. Write down how you want it to be

A great exercise is to write down your life the way you want it.  It can be how you want the day to go, the meeting you’ve got this week, a trip, the month ahead, the year ahead, your entire life…

10. Be Grateful

Be grateful and not just for the thinks you like.  Also be grateful for the things that you don’t like that show up in your life as they are indicators that you need to make a shift.

To celebrate gratitude with me sign up to my mailing list for a FREE Gratitude pack. (see below)

I hope you’ve enjoyed these law of attraction tips.  If you have please go ahead and share this post to help others use the law of attraction in their lives.

Happy manifesting

Wendy xx

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