I’m a life and business coach with NO CLIENTS! What’s that all about?
Well, let me tell you all about it. It’s all about understanding what success means to me and really knowing what I want.
Officially I’m a qualified Life Skills Coach, Law of attraction Practitioner and EFT Master Practitioner. I’m very proud of my qualifications and my experience helping people all over the world.
Disclosure – Please note that affiliate link s have been included in this post. I only recommend things I absolutely love and use myself.

If you’d have asked me what I wanted business wise in 2010, I would have told you that it was a full coaching schedule, working with amazing people around the world via Skype call/telephone calls and in-persona coaching.
Fast forward to 2016 and I knew that was far from what I really wanted. I spent 2017 building up my 2 blogs and working out how I could be a full-time blogger with a full-time income to match. At the end of 2017, I stopped all paid private coaching and declared myself a full-time blogger.
My new blog launched in 2019 is Life and Business with Wendy – Your Online Life and Business Coach.
2021 Update: I now own 4 blogs and my latest blog, Amora Blogging is totally focused on helping new bloggers. Follow my own blogging journey, check out my Blog Come Reports and get loads of Blogging tips.
Knowing what success really looks like to you
I know that I bang on about this a lot. If by some chance you’ve missed this, please check out my FREE Ideal Business Workbook where I help you to get super clear about what your ideal business really looks like.
Also, read this post Is your success roadmap the right way up?
So many people never spend any time really focusing on this and end up working years to be successful but never actually happy with the success.
A little background story
Let me give you a little look into my background. These are the key things that have lead me to this point. In my 20’s I took various writing courses and loved it, from short story writing, writing for children, copyrighting skills… I loved it all but never really pushed it as a career that much. Life took me down a different path.
In my late 30’s my dad died and it was life-changing for me. I didn’t like the person I was, I was living a life that looked perfect but I wasn’t happy. My dad was an amazing person and I knew that all he ever wanted for me was for me to follow my dreams and be happy.
I’d stopped doing both of those things. It was time to do something about that. That’s when I began my Life coach training, then went on to do my Law of attraction practitioners training.
Fast forward a little more – My marriage ended, my son and I moved countries to live close to my mum and sisters. I had no home and no money. But I was determined to build my coaching business. I did and I am incredibly proud of the work I was able to do with my coaching clients
In 2016, I realized that I wasn’t really enjoying my business.
I took my own advice and I spent some time working out what I did enjoy, what I really wanted in my business.
- I knew that I needed to be earning a certain amount of money, of course, I wanted to earn more than what I needed but knowing this baseline figure was key to making the change
- I worked out that the part of my business that I really liked was my blogging and creating downloads
- I also knew that I still wanted to work from home
- My biggest find was that I hate time restrictions in my business (big time). That was actually the part of coaching that I hated. I don’t mind working long hours, I just want to do that when I want rather than having to take a call at a set time, etc.
With this information, I made a plan to stop coaching privately and work toward becoming a full-time blogger – Online life and business coach. I so love my new title.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this title. I really do love telling people I’m a full-time blogger.
I also can’t tell you how many people who have told me that blogging is not a business. With full respect to those people, THEY ARE WRONG!!!
In 2017, my transition year, where I was building my blogs so that they actually made me money so that I didn’t need my coaching income, I took the Elite Blog Academy Course.
If you’re serious about blogging and want to create a good income, I highly recommend taking this course. The biggest thing I got from this course was a shift in mindset.
I started to see my blog as my business rather than a small part of it. This was massive for me. I made blogging a top priority.
I knew that I wanted to always be sharing great content that helped people but I also needed to have my business head-on and make sure that I was getting a good financial return for my efforts.
Please note that Elite Blog Academy only opens up for new members once a year, so even if you only have a slight idea that you might be interested, I recommend that you get on the waiting list (this doesn’t commit you to anything) Go to ELITE BLOG ACADEMY waiting list.
I want to talk about the money side of things as this has been a big issue for me. I knew I had some hugely limiting money beliefs. I still have to work on these as I increase my income.
It’s an ongoing mindset project. But one thing that really helped me was to work out the amount of money I needed to live a life I loved on a day to day basis. I realized that when it really came down to what I needed to be happy, I didn’t need as much as I thought. I encourage you to work this out for yourself.
Do I have everything I’d like? No, I’d love a Tesla car, I’d love an amazing Eco house built exactly where I want it. But do I actually need them to be happy?
The answer is no. I am definitely working on attracting these but when I was working out my plan to make the switch from full-time coach to full-time blogger, I needed to work with the bottom line happy money amount.
Here’s a look at how I make money on my blogs – 4 ways I make money blogging
Time Freedom
When I really looked at what I didn’t like about my coaching business, it surprised me to find that it was actually a time thing. I realized that I really hated having to do anything in my business at a set time. Things such as coaching calls booked in at 9am 10.30am, 1.30pm…
I still work fairly long hours as a full-time blogger but I work at times that suit me. This is the thing I love the most about my business now.

What I do love about coaching
I really love helping people. I love sharing my knowledge and expertise to help people live a life they love. I don’t need to do this through private coaching. I can do this through blogging. I now have 3 blogs…
This one, Morning Business Chat. I have so many posts on this blog. This blog was originally my coaching blog to support my business. It has so many different topics and I’ve focused on so many different things over the years. As of 2019, this blog will focus solely on business posts and blogging posts.
2nd blog is Ideal Weight Challenge – I’ve personally struggled with my weight since the birth of my son back in 2001. This blog focuses on trying to build a healthy lifestyle, improve fitness and of course lose weight in a really positive way.
My new blog Life and Business with Wendy is my coaching platform. I offer weekly coaching emails for subscribers.
This all shows that I can still help people, coach people without needing people to pay for one to one coaching. This works for me and it is working for my blog readers.
My message for you moving forward
Spend some time really working out what you want from your business. What do you really enjoy doing? Work out what success really looks like for you personally.
Once you’ve done that if you need to make changes, make a plan of action to make it happen.
The 2 key things I want you to take from this post are…
- Get super clear about what success really means to you – Get my free Ideal Business Workbook
- Once you know what you want, plan to make it happen.
Carry on the conversation in the comments below – Has this post made you think about what you want to do moving forward?
For amazing blogging tips head over to the Elite Blog Academy Blog It really is the best blogging resource (in my opinion).
Please pin and share – Thanks

Excellent! I’m so happy for you. I am hoping to also follow this path in a way. Loss teaches us so much, doesn’t it? I lost my brother two years ago and I also went through a divorce and moved with two of my children closer to my parents and other brother this past year. I also started my blog and got certified as a Personal Trainer. I’m taking a nutrition coaching course and some other certifications as well. This was highly motivating and encouraging, thank you!
This is FANTASTIC, I love it! I’ve always got a lot of things on my plate – some I’ve turned into business ideas, some I’ve focused on as hobbies – but until I felt brave enough to say NO to the things that weren’t really bringing me joy (even if they were the biggest money makers), I wasn’t really satisfied. I really admire what you’ve done here, and look forward to following along!
Thank you Rach, I’m so pleased you’ve found what you want to do, good luck with all your training.
Thank you so much Tawni. I love what you said about saying NO to the things that weren’t bringing you joy. I think that is essential for real success. Wishing you every success and happiness.
My favorite part about this is that you took your own advice. I think a lot of times we all get caught up in giving others advice without really recognizing that we need to take it too! I catch myself doing things or thinking things and realize that I need to A) practice what I preach and B) take my own advice.
Oh, I hear you Colleen. I definitely do this too. Thankfully over the tears, I am getting better at spotting when I need to have a chat to myself. Best wishes.
Such incredible insight here! I especially admire your decision to transition from being a private coach to a full-time blogger. It seems like you’ve really come into your own and are thoroughly enjoying what you’re doing. This post has made me think about what I want to do moving forward…. Instead of trying to start a business with my blog (an endeavor I never wanted to do in the first place but was expected of me) I want to be more of an influencer and promote others. Thank you for sharing your experience!