Under Exposed: Using Digital Content To Get Your Business Noticed

When you’re running a small business, it can often feel like the bulk of your work is dedicated to spending time making people aware of your existence. With all of the competition you face, the amount of content around the web, and the time you have to put into all of this work, it makes sense that it can feel frustrating when the results aren’t always what you expect. To make this easier for you, this post will be exploring the broad field of digital content, and how you can go about using it to get more people through the doors of your company.


This all has to start with an understanding of the resources you have available in this. Of course, digital content covers a lot of different types of media, ranging from simple text to 3-dimensional video. Choosing the best option for you will be down to balancing the budget you have for it with the needs of your business. Below, you can find some of the best examples of usable digital content for your business, followed by a little bit more information which should make it easier for you to use them.

Under Exposed: Using Digital Content To Get Your Business Noticed

Writing: Nothing makes a business look quite as good as having perfectly crafted written content to represent them. Most people care about spelling and grammar, even if they claim not to, and this makes this first piece of content extremely important. Whether you’re putting together short descriptions for products or a heartfelt social media post, using sites like Grammarly to improve the quality of your writing can be a great idea, though you should also work hard to keep improving the quality of the writing you produce.

Images: While it is a little bit of a cliche, the idea that an image can speak a thousand words is quite true when it comes to marketing. Modern people don’t often have time to read all of the text they find around the web, instead choosing to skim through pages until something catches their eye. Images can come in a variety of forms, ranging from photos which you’ve taken or found online to drawings and other artwork. Picking images isn’t always easy, with a lot of people find that they need to use other people’s eyes during this process.

Video: Stepping up from images, video can offer even more when you’re trying to get your business out there. Instead of having to be accompanied by text to convey a complex message, text and speech can be used to pack a video out. People assume that this sort of resource is hard to make. While this will put a lot of businesses off going down this path, it also means that customers will be far more impressed by a good video than the other content you have on offer. Making something like this can even be a lot of fun.

Games: Businesses around the world have long used video games to help with their exposure. Often coming from large food and toy brands, resources like this can hold a huge amount of power, giving you the chance to keep advertising to your customers while they’re having fun. Of course, you have to be careful to avoid marketing this towards children. Other than this, though, you have a lot of freedom when you’re building something like this, even if you have to learn quite a bit in the process.

Under Exposed: Using Digital Content To Get Your Business Noticed


Putting your content in the right place is essential when you’re working on getting more exposure for your business. Using as many as these avenues as possible is always a good idea, as long as you’re able to manage them all effectively. In some cases, companies will even hire people to help with this. Of course, though, this will be an expensive route to go down when you’re first getting started. Below, you can find some examples of the locations most companies will choose for this work, giving you the chance to get started right away.

Your Website: Even when your website doesn’t have a huge amount of visitors, it should still be the first place you put any of your content. With blog posts boosting your SEO, images making the site easier to browse, and video giving users the chance to get the full scoop in no time at all, it makes sense to focus on this area more than the others. Once you have a range of things to show off, you can get started on pushing more people to the site. Of course, though, this is something you will want to keep updating as time goes on.

Social Media: Facebook has over 1 billion active users hitting its pages each month. Even if you can’t tap into this whole market, this sort of statistic makes it very easy to see how powerful this tool can be. Some modern companies devote all of their marketing time to social media. Posting is usually free, content has the chance to become viral, and it doesn’t take too much work to build yourself into a position of popularity. Altogether, this makes for a type of platform which you can’t afford to ignore when you’re building your business higher.

Public Places: When you’re trying to draw more people to your company, it can often help to go to them, first. Your local city center will get very busy during weekends and early evenings. By placing your content in positions which a lot of people will see, you have the chance to achieve far greater exposure than simply sticking online. As time has gone on, options like this have lost their popularity. This makes them cheaper than they used to be, while also leaving prime spots open to new companies.


It’s all well and good producing content and finding places to put it, but this isn’t the end of your exposure journey. There are loads of ways to work to make your content more popular, with most companies ignoring them almost entirely, and this gives you the chance to give yourself a significant edge. Below, you can find some information which will push you in the right direction when you’re using content to boost your exposure. Of course, though, it can also be a good idea to try and be creative throughout the process.

Getting Some Help: Most people don’t have the experience required to write, draw, and make videos, especially when they are skilled in other areas. This makes it wise to get as much help as you can get. For producing your content, looking internally can be a smart route to follow, giving you the chance to have employees make it for free. As things get more complicated, though, you may need to look for a little more help. SEO services are a great place to put some money, enabling your site to get more natural views. Along with this, though, you can get help with every element of the process.

Think Outside The Box: The best marketing campaigns are always those which make a company feel unique. This makes thinking outside the box crucial, especially when you are running a company which already exists in under other names. Of course, this isn’t always easy, and a lot of ideas will sink before the work out. If you need to get some inspiration when you’re trying to achieve this goal, websites like Pinterest can be perfect, offering millions of images which are all connected to marketing.

Keep It Coming: When you look at the social media and blog pages of successful businesses, you will often see a very common trend; they all produce content on a regular basis. The algorithms which are used by online platforms like Facebook and Google don’t like to show off businesses which don’t keep themselves up to date. While you may not have the energy or time to post twice a day, you should make sure that you’re doing something at least twice a week. This isn’t very much, and the more you put your time into this the better.

Do Your Research: Finding popular online isn’t all about luck. While it can often look like companies have fallen into success, it takes a lot of background work to make even the simplest of posts get recognised. This makes it crucial that you research tags, trends, and everything else you can to push your accounts further than ever before. Some people will spend a huge amount of time making content, only to ignore the research element of this job. In reality, though, this could see your work being wasted, with the time you put into doing it right being incredibly important.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of getting your business noticed with digital content. Everyone has the power to produce resources like this, making it possible for businesses of all shapes and sizes to start making waves in the world of marketing. Of course, though, you will have to work hard to make this work for you.

Under Exposed: Using Digital Content To Get Your Business Noticed - What is digital content? When and where to use it.

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