Video is the future, or at least that’s what we’re being told right now. At first, social media was all about words, then images, and now video. It seems that if you want to get your posts (and therefore your business) noticed, video is the way forward.
When you’re a small business or a limited marketing team, creating

Some good ideas
One of the most difficult parts about creating videos for social media is thinking of ideas. The pressure to create something amazing that goes viral is high, but that shouldn’t be the driver behind your videos. Instead, spend time thinking of what you want your videos to say – what’s their purpose? Then you can start thinking of the best ways to bring that idea to life in a way that connects with your intended audience. It’s worth looking at social video trends to see the kind of things that are out there – they could help give you the inspiration you’re looking for.
Some filming equipment
You don’t have to spend a lot of money on equipment to film some high-quality content for social media. Most up to date smartphones boast incredible cameras that will capture beautifully sharp video and sound – allowing you to capture footage on the move. However, if you want to project the most professional image, you should think about investing in some more sophisticated filming equipment.
Once you get your hands on filing equipment, you need to learn how to use it. Believe it or not, it’s easier than it seems. Learn some tricks on shooting with an iPhone to help you master the basics. Remember that practice makes perfect, and it will come to you easier the more you do it.
Some editing tools
After filming some footage, you need to learn how to edit it. While you could spring for a professional package like the Adobe suite, you might want to hold off until you’re ready for more advanced editing. You can edit your videos in-app using your phone, with some excellent video editing apps available at an affordable price. Start by making some basic cuts before getting clever with different effects. You’re not producing an action movie, so just focus on capturing the right footage.
While you can just shoot some great videos that are footage-only, some graphics could help make your videos look more polished and can be tied in with your branding to make sure your logo, fonts, etc. are included. Try using Canva, a website that makes graphic design simple and affordable – you’ll be surprised at how easy it actually is to get started. Create an attractive mix of video and graphics to produce professional-looking video for your business.
If you can, make sure you drop your business’ logo onto your videos. It’s important to tie your content back to you and to take ownership of it as copyright infringement is rife online. You should also make sure that you have permission or rights to use any of the footage you put online, as you never know when someone might not want their face online.
Accessibility should be a very important consideration for your business, and that should include online too. Subtitling or captioning your video can not only allow people to watch video without sound, but can ensure that those with hearing problems can understand everything that’s going on. Subtitling can be a time-consuming task, but transcribers Take Note can help you by transcribing your videos, ready for you to use as subtitles. It’s a cost-effective way of making sure you can turn around videos quickly. You should get into the habit of adding subtitles to your videos as standard to help you get more views.
Social media videos are a great way to draw attention to your business. Provided that they are short, keep to the point and have reasonably well-filmed footage, you should be able to create some incredible videos for your company. Be sure to post video regularly to keep people interested in your work. It’s worth noting that there are different guidelines around sizing for different social media platforms, so make sure you’ve thought about that before you start work on them. Video might be the future, but for now, practice getting to grips with it so that you can make some professional, informative videos on behalf of your business.

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