As you’ll know if you’ve been here for a while, a little something called a ‘success mindset’ is a big deal to business success. After all, only with positive affirmations and eyes firmly on the prize can you visualise and thus ensure your long-term success in even a highly competitive market.
But, you don’t need us to tell you that. You know full-well how vital your mindset can be. You’ve likely even got those affirmations stuck all around your office walls. Good for you! Sadly, though, going through the success mindset motions isn’t always enough to boost every aspect of your business.
This is because, without realising it, many of us fall into a ‘selective success mindset.’ It might be, for instance, that you focus all your affirmations and positive visualisations on your profit margins while neglecting the areas of business necessary to get you there.
This is a significant issue. And, it’s one that you can’t overcome until you open up your success mindset across your business board. To make it easier for you to do just that, we’re going to look at a few of the ways you may be failing to implement an all-inclusive positive outlook as it stands.

# 1 – Ignoring the things you don’t understand
Having a fantastic business idea sadly doesn’t grant you access to all the knowledge you need to see it through. In fact, you’re likely to face challenges along the way, especially now that businesses have to operate comprehensively across IT landscapes. Suddenly, business owners like yourself practically need a degree in computer sciences to stand any chance.
Your urge to ignore this aspect of business makes sense, especially if things like web design and SEO marketing have never entered your consciousness. But, to eliminate these priorities from your outlook means to put yourself at a significant disadvantage. A disadvantage which, by the way, is sure to see you falling behind.
That’s terrible news, and it’s an issue you can do away with by simply considering what success looks like here. Instead of ignoring these aspects because you think you can’t handle them, find the faith that this is entirely within your control. One way to do this would be to simply embark on outside training courses or classes that help you expand your knowledge and incorporate success even further. Or, you may take your success mindset and outsource those services that you know you’re not handling well in-house. By remaining positive and merely taking your time to choose the right companies, this could be the ideal compromise.
# 2 – Thinking out of sight means out of mind
Many managers also make the mistake of only turning their success mindset to the things they can see. For instance, you may have filled your office space with motivational quotes, and continually focused affirmation around in-office processes. This is your direct work environment, after all, and it’s the space that you’re sure to spend the most time in.
Don’t think, though, that you can get away with entirely ignoring aspects of your business processes that you don’t see daily. Your warehouse is still operating even when you aren’t there, after all, and your outside suppliers, etc. are still forever working to ensure your company can stay afloat.
Ultimately, turning your success mindset here is all about bringing these hidden company focuses out into the open. The moment you stop overlooking warehouse processes is the moment you can think about changing the space for utmost efficiency or investing in a warehouse trolley or other such equipment to make success easier for even your back-house team. Equally, thinking about things like the best deals and processes for your couriers etc. can ensure that success reins here, too.

# 3 – Pretending customer complaints don’t exist
No business enjoys customer complaints. These are, after all, a direct attack on your otherwise success-based outlook. The moment a customer has a problem, they’re likely challenging all the positive affirmations that you’ve worked hard to put in place to get this far. But, you can’t simply pretend that complaints don’t exist.
Strange at it seems, customer feedback on the negative side can actually help you to perfect an all-round success mindset with real results. After all, the ability to turn a complaint into a positive customer experience can take a lot of positive thinking. More pressingly, complaints bring you face-to-face with things that perhaps aren’t as perfect as you might imagine with your current processes. And, this alone can help you apply the right mindset towards making necessary changes.
With this in mind, you can start enjoying those benefits by merely letting complaints into your company consciousness. That’s not to say, of course, that you should let one customer’s bad experience entirely unravel your positive focuses elsewhere. But, accepting that every company gets complaints and you’re no exception could undoubtedly help you get on the right footing.
# 4 – Leaving your team out of the loop
A success mindset is, as you know, fantastic news for business success, but it can also be a relatively solitary thing. After all, those positive affirmations and visualisations are likely quite personal to you. There’s nothing wrong with that unless you’re leaving your team out of the loop in the process.
Remember that, once you bring others on board, your company mindset should become as all-inclusive as possible to keep every onboard. If you’re failing to share that focus or are otherwise falling foul to communication strategies that suck, then it should come as no surprise if you stumble across issues.
This is why many managers host positively-focused morning meetings or even incorporate quotes and other such feel-good additions across office decor. Ultimately, the more effort you make to relate your positive thinking across your team, the better chance that everyone will be on the same page. And, given that true business success relies on this collaborative focus, that could make all the difference for ensuring your mindset reaps real results.
# 5 – Failing to project success into your future
The last potential mistake you’re making right now is that of failing to project your success into the future. Rightly, that success mindset focuses on overcoming hurdles in the present. And, there’s nothing wrong with that given that these small setbacks are likely what your business success is based on.
But, don’t think that you can overlook future focuses altogether. In truth, everything from a business plan to a contingency backup is also invaluable. And, your success mindset puts you in the ideal position to perfect either of these.
After all, positive outlets like visualisation are almost solely based on future outcomes. With these tools in your arsenal, you’re in the best position to write comprehensive plans that keep your end focuses and priorities in mind at all times. Even better, a success mindset that looks forward in these ways makes it far more likely that you’ll reach those future goals down the line.
A final word
Even if you think you’ve been applying your success mindset across the board, considering these pointers may well prove otherwise. It’s not easy to inject positivity into every corner of your company, after all, and you may have been overlooking some areas in place of those that seem more pressing. As you can see from these pointers, though, a well-applied success mindset can easily spread to even those neglected areas of your company. And, you’re guaranteed to see results when that happens.
- Please note that this post has been written by an outside source – See DISCLOSURE POLICY