Multiple assignments and looming deadlines, is it of any surprise that the workplace is one filled with stress? Couple this with the fact that the modern worker is interrupted seven times an hour, and it is not difficult to see why we sometimes feel like we are about to explode. Nonetheless, stress can cause many health issues and so is not something that should be taken lightly. Keeping that in mind, read on to discover some top tips for reducing stress whilst at work…
Personalise And De-Clutter Your Workspace
First and foremost, you need to make sure your workspace is a positive one. Begin by de-cluttering and organising the area. A messy space makes it more difficult to work. Moreover, you can make your work area soothing and calming by personalising it. Add little accessories and personal touches, such as photos of your loved ones.

Eat Properly And Sleep Well
A stress-free working day begins before you walk through the office doors. If you eat properly and get a good night’s sleep, you will feel revitalised and ready to take on the day. This healthy eating leaflet can assist. If you eat badly you will stress your system. Therefore you make it virtually impossible to have a stress-free day. Plus, if you don’t get your recommended eight hours of sleep, you will not have rejuvenated.
Be Your Own Motivator
Did you know that on a daily basis approximately sixty thousand thoughts go through our mind? Whilst we are working most of these thoughts are negative. We all have a tendency to be our harshest critics. We notice whenever we do something wrong, but we never praise ourselves when we do something well. Thus, be more encouraging with your thoughts and you will reap the rewards.
Minimise Interruptions
As mentioned in the introduction, one of the main contributors to stress in the workplace is the fact that we are constantly interrupted. Therefore, you should take steps to minimise this. But, how do you stop others from interrupting you? Why not put your phone on silent? Or, turn off instant messaging? In addition to this, you should make a plan on how you are going to handle interruptions. For instance, you can step up office hours, or give yourself scheduled times throughout the day when you are going to read your emails.
Take Control
Last but not least, instead of reacting to a situation, you should take control of it. We often experience stress when we feel like something has occurred which is out of our hands. Yet, instead of getting angry and huffing and puffing, sit down and think of a ways to address the situation. There will usually be aspects of it you can control and this will help you to feel better, rather than getting stressed and losing confidence.
Now you know all you need to in regards to minimizing stress in the workplace!

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