Music is a huge part of our lives. But changes in the way we consume music over the past couple of decades have changed the way we look at music culturally. The advent of digital streaming has turned music into something disposable, something that we keep on in the background but don’t take the time to really listen to. What’s more, industrial and cultural changes have made it seem impossible to become successful in the music industry and that success can only be granted by gatekeeping reality TV shows.
But success in music is not outside of the reach of ambitious bands and musicians. They just need to adopt a business mindset and try these promotional tips to build a growing and loyal fanbase…

Always be blogging
Fandom always wants more, and as people become more and more enamoured with your band after seeing you perform gig after gig they’ll want to get a peek behind the curtain. By keeping a blog you can not only keep fans abreast of your upcoming gigs, you can help them feel like they know you a little better and give your brand a voice. It’s also a great platforms for giveaways and special events just for the fans.
Branding has always been a key component of success in music and writing regular blog posts and posting them on your social platforms is a great way to help people to fall in love with your band by falling in love with your brand.
Don’t assume that physical media is dead
Sure, you may be quick to share your band’s Soundcloud link to get your music in people’s ears. But in this age of digital sharing and social media, don’t make the mistake of assuming that physical media is dead. CDs and vinyl are alive and well and are the preferred format of many a serious music lover. Using a CD Duplication service can be an affordable way to make good money selling your CDs after gigs. Sure the oh-so-cool teen audience may not be quite as likely to pop in a CD (or even own a CD player) but serious aficionados (especially hip hop and rock lovers) are still buying CDs in their droves.
You’re NEVER too small to invest in merch
Every time someone is seen wearing a t shirt or hat with your logo on it , it grows your brand. It creates opportunities for enthusiastic responses when people ask them “who’s that”? It creates the potential for social sharing and possibly even a few extra butts in seats at your next gig. So, don’t make the mistake of assuming that your band’s following is too small to make an investment in merch.
Make a press pack
Finally… If music journalists attend your gig they’re going to want to know as much about your band as possible in a time efficient manner. So put together a press pack to make their lives easier and make it available both physically and digitally. When putting it together make sure;
- It’s professional in tone
- It includes quotes from other publications
- It includes relevant links to your YouTube / Soundcloud
- It contains professional, high quality images of the band
- It has clear and up to date contact details.
Get the music press on your side and your band could gain a lot of momentum very quickly.
- This post has been written by an outside source – See DISCLOSURE POLICY