Small business owners risk so much. It’s not uncommon for small business owners to sell their homes to acquire the funding their need to actually begin. Working hard all day long, is something employees do without asking. But how many of them would continue to work after hours every working day? It would be unreasonable wouldn’t it? Well, the business owner is expected to do the lion’s share of the work, take on the lion’s share of the responsibilities, take the lion’s share of the blame and company losses. So if you are the light and soul of the business, should you not have the right to act like it? In modern culture, it’s almost seen as a bad thing to present yourself as a powerful symbol in a business you started, own and run. No more, it’s time to make your office into a symbol of power and command respect from your employees and clients.
The crown of the room
For your office, you need to have a desk that is made out of aged wood. Traditional executive desks are made out of walnut, maple, mahogany and beechwood. These are the most highly demanded wood types for executives in offices all around the world. No matter what kind of CEO you are, you’ll want to have an executive desk that stands tall and broad. It’s really the crown of the room, because it’s what you sit behind and in truth what represents your power in the business. Inviting business clients in to talk with you in your own office is seen as a great courtesy. What shouldn’t meet them is a desk that wouldn’t look out of place in a public library. Think about the kinds of designs you like. Georgian, Victorian, postmodern, classical, contemporary and minimalist are all great choices.

A war horse
CEOs often sit in their offices and just think about their business. It’s a good idea to reflect on your activities and responsibilities every now and then by sitting in your executive chair. You’ll definitely want a professional look of a leather office chair. One which has a high back is great for the executive look, as the headrest towers tall over the desk in front of you. It’s also fantastic for support, and when you’ve been having late nights you’ll appreciate the rigidity of this design so you can lean back. Really it’s the war horse of the room as it will be asked to bend, flex and keep you comfortable no matter what the conditions are.
A soft lamp
For late nights at your desk, you’ll want a soft light to illuminate everything you’re doing. You might be reading a hardcopy report, a newspaper, some notes you took while at conference or whatever the case may be. A soft yellow executive lamp should be sat in front of you just behind your keyboard.
Your office should be the office of all offices in your business. It should exude power and look as if this is where all the most important decisions are made.

- This post has been written by an outside source – See Disclosure Policy