Most companies use too much paper and cutting down can save money, save space and save the environment. However, there are times when paper can still have its perks. Here are just 5 times when paper can still serve a purpose in business.
Legal documentation
Nowadays it’s possible to send people documents and even sign them electronically. However, many customers still find paper documents to be more official and more secure. A lot of lawyers also prefer paper because it’s a more permanent and more tangible form of documentation – electronic contracts can be more easily edited and tampered with, whilst the laws of electronic documents are less clearly defined.
Whilst all businesses can benefit from digital marketing, paper marketing still has its place in the world. Flyers can still be a very effective form of marketing when used strategically – whilst posting them through random people’s doors may not get you much business, handing them out in specific locations and at specific events has shown to still be very effective. Business cards meanwhile are still the easiest way of exchanging contact details. Companies that operate entirely online may not see much use for these paper mediums, but businesses that still deal with physical customers can definitely benefit.
Taking notes
Despite the rise of smartphones and tablets, a lot of people still find it easier to take notes on paper when in meetings or at conferences. Paper is easier to reach for in a hurry and notes made on paper are often easier to annotate. Notebooks are still popular for this reason – there are many companies that sell custom notebooks that can also help add to your professional image. Of course, if you feel you can take notes faster using keys or a touchscreen, you may want to stick to a digital device.

Eco-friendly packaging
Whilst using lots of paper is often seen as not being very environmentally friendly, there are times when it can be the greener option. For example, when it comes to packaging, cardboard is much eco-friendlier than plastic. Many companies are now switching to paper packaging where practical. Paper bags are also replacing plastic bags in many shops.
Catering to computer illiterate customers
Paper can still be a useful medium to fall back on when dealing with computer illiterate customers. Almost everyone nowadays uses computers, but there are still many people of the older generation that aren’t digitally savvy and may not have an email address. If you’re in an industry that caters to a lot of these customers, still being able to send paper letters and offer paper leaflets could be advantageous. Of course, if you’re business doesn’t attract these customers, you’re probably best off not trying to cater to their needs.

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