If you feel as though you are losing business to your competitors, then now is the time for you to reflect a little. You have to analyse why you are losing business and you also need to find out what your competition are offering that you are not.
What are Your Competitors Doing?
The first step would be for you to have a look to see what your competition are doing. This is a very easy way for you to review your current place in the market and it also gives you the chance to find out what your clients expect from you. If you are charging more than anyone else in your sector, then this could mean that you are losing out on sales because your competition are cheaper. If you are charging less then this may be a good thing, but if you are undercutting your competition too much then your customers may think that you are cheap and providing a poor-quality service. If you are concerned about not providing a good service to your customers then it’s always worth looking into an answering service.

Tweak your Services
With the above information in mind, you need to think about how you are going to tweak your value proposition. If you know what your competition are offering, then you will find it much easier to pitch your value to your clients and you will also be able to look into your management structure too. Good account management will always give you the chance to tweak your services efficiently.
Consider your Brand
When you compare yourself to your competition, you also need to pay attention to your branding. If you happen to be attracting the wrong target customers, then you may be losing out on business because of this. You may also be throwing money down the drain because you are not focused on what your brand actually offers.
What makes you Unique?
Another thing that you need to think about is what makes you unique. You need to think about what you have to offer, how that differs to your competition and the general difference there is. If you look at things from your customer’s point of view, then this will really work in your favour. If you are not quite sure how to do this then one good thing that you can do is send out questionnaires. When you do send out forms or questionnaires, you will be able to find out exactly what your customers think of you and you can also find out what services you need to change.
Offer More
If you are really concerned about your business losing out to your competition, then you need to try and offer more if you can. Explore different services and look into what additional bonuses you can give your customers. If you are able to do this then you can easily pull ahead, and you can also give your customers way more value too. Little things like this can really make a difference and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to really appeal to your customers much more.
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