Bacterial bugs and viruses can quickly spread through a workplace. This can do some serious harm to your business, leading to understaffing and poor work performance. While the pandemic taught many of us how to control such outbreaks, many businesses have already started to return to their old ways, which has led to sickness sweeping through businesses across the country. To stop sickness spreading through your workforce, here are a few preventative measures that you can take.
Encourage sick workers to stay at home
Sick workers that continue to show up at the workplace will only cause the sickness to spread. It’s better for your sick workers and for everyone else that they stay at home. In some jobs, workers who aren’t too ill may still be able to work from home. In fact, some companies even encourage employees who have a mild cold to stay at home and work here simply to avoid the cold spreading.
Adopt a sick leave policy that encourages employees to take time off
Employees may be reluctant to take time off if there is not a supportive sick leave policy in place. Provide sick pay to employees so that they feel they can take time off. This does not have to be equal to regular pay, but it should be enough for your employees to temporarily live on. It’s also important that employees do not feel punished for taking sick leave, such as missing out on promotions or pay rises – if they can explain their absence, it shouldn’t count against them.
Clean your premises and any shared equipment regularly
A sick employee may touch things around the workplace that are then touched by others. By cleaning your premises regularly and cleaning equipment, you can stop bacteria and viruses spreading this way. This could include wiping down desks, keyboards, light switches, door handles and other things that are likely to be touched by lots of people. You could consider hiring a cleaning service to help.
Encourage employees to clean their hands
Another way to stop sickness spreading is by encouraging employees to keep their hands clean. Hand sanitiser dispensers are one of the best ways to encourage employees to keep hands clean. Place these around your workplace strategically. You can also put up signs in bathrooms or near equipment telling people to remember to wash their hands.
Conduct testing at your workplace
Tests for viruses like Covid-19 can be easily carried out at your workplace using RAT tests. You can order wholesale RAT tests online. You could encourage employees to take these whenever there is a bug going around or even on a weekly basis.
Schedule vaccinations for employees
You may also be able to prevent illness in the workplace by encouraging employees to get vaccinated. Some companies will schedule a nurse to come to their workplace and carry out a flu jab for all employees. Just bear in mind that not all employees may want to get vaccinated and you should not force them to if they do want it.