If you need to raise money for charity, there are so many ways to go about it these days; it’s hard to know which is the best way for you. Check out these fundraising tips.
Have A Target In Mind
Setting a target gives you something to work towards. If you know when you want to reach the target by, it can give you the motivation you need to succeed.
There may be a very good reason for having the target; maybe there is a specific cost that your needing to raise the money to pay for.

Provide A Product Or Service
People like to feel as though they are getting something for the money that they are putting in. If you’re willing to do the work for free, there are plenty of opportunities to help people by providing a useful service.
Hosting A Car Wash
Charity car-washes have been around for years, and they are always popular. Very few people enjoy washing their own cars, so getting someone else to do that unpopular chore is very helpful.
A Baked Goods Sale
People find it hard to turn down cakes. If you’re handy in the kitchen, baking a few cakes can help you raise some cash. You could sell these in your workplace.
A Raffle
If there is a chance for a reasonable prize that has been donated to you, then people will buy raffle tickets.
Sponsored Events
Sponsored events can be a lot of fun, or they could be a big challenge. Think about the type of thing that you would enjoy pushing yourself to achieve, and ask for sponsorship to complete it. There are many ways of taking sponsor money online, which can help you target a whole new set of donors.
Make sure you are clear about what the money being raised is for, and what prizes are at stake.
Using Voting Tokens
If you run a business and have money to donate and are not sure which charities to give to, why not ask your customers to vote. At TokensFor, you can get voting tokens to allow people to chose their favoured option by putting their token in a box corresponding to a cause.
Host An Auction
If you can get a selection of works donated to you from local artists, you could have an auction to sell them off and raise money for your chosen charity.
Host A Talent Show
By selling tickets to a talent show, you can raise quite a bit of cash. Encourage people to join in the talent show, and ask any prominent people you know that might judge the event for you.
A Rubber Duck Race
This is a fun way of raising money. Drop numbered ducks in a river and wait for them to reach an endpoint further down. People can donate money and get to pick a duck. The winner should get some kind of prize, so try and get a local business to donate you one.

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