There are times throughout your career where it dawns on you that you may not know as much as you think. Even if you think you know a lot, you probably know less than you imagine and it happens to us all at some point or another. Usually this is paired with the same consideration that whether you’ve been in one career your whole life or you’ve job-hopped, you’re ready for a change.
Upskilling could be the answer to your worries about your career.
Some people choose to upskill by going back to school and completing another degree or taking additional classes like online business courses. Others choose to take free coding courses online in their spare time so that they can add new things to their resume. Sometimes, it takes a little self-belief to get where you want to be, and that means that you should consider upskilling and having the courage to do it. But why should you when you’ve already done the whole school thing? Here are four good reasons to go for it!
- The world is changing. As fast as you learn one thing, your industry comes up with six different new technologies that can make you feel stupid – you don’t know how to use it, so you panic. It happens. The world is constantly changing right now and you need to know that your efforts to be a part of the change is working for you.
- You have lost your job. Really, this is probably the best reason to upskill. Losing your job is the catalyst that you need to make changes that really do work for you. You can change your entire future because your job has been lost, and all it takes is for you to take this as the opportunity that it is. It’s not an easy thing to go through, but losing your job could push you towards the career that you want.
- You need certification. Whether you like it or not, there are some job markets that ask for a piece of paper over experience. You may find that you need a piece of paper to get your dream job, and when that’s the case, you need to know that you have recognized and tested skills that you can offer to your boss. Upskilling is going to make you a far more valuable employee, and you need that to be able to look good to employers.
- The more you know, the more you earn. There are so many opportunities out there, but when you choose not to upskill what you know, you’re going to miss out on the chance to transition into a new career path. You may have overlooked certain opportunities before, but you don’t have to do that for too long – not when you could do new things.
Adding to your skillset is smart and a great way to ensure that you have a future in the career of your choice. Without those skills, you wouldn’t interview as well, so why not look at how you can improve today?