Getting Ready for Your First Trade Fair

Are you planning your first trade fair? Setting up a small business takes a whole lot of hard work and effort. When you first start out, things are likely to be pretty hectic. You need to get copyright licences, secure domain names, trademark and patent your products and services and do all sorts of product testing, market research, marketing and advertising just to launch your new brand. When all of this is finally out of the way, it’s not surprising that you might want to have a bit of a break and a rest. This, however, isn’t necessarily the best time to start slacking. Now you’re up and running, you need to continue to establish yourself as a reputable name in your field. One way to achieve this is to start attending trade fairs and exhibitions!

Learn how to prepare for your first trade fair
Getting Ready for Your First Trade Fair

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What Are Trade Fairs and Exhibitions?

A trade show or exhibition is essentially a public display of your company. You’ll show off who you are and what you have to offer potential customers. Generally speaking, they take place in a large exhibition hall. There are plenty of these around the country, so chances are there’ll be one relatively local to you. As an exhibitor, you will have a stall where you can set up displays of your products or services and offer demonstrations. While general exhibitions are open to the public (meaning you can make plenty of sales on the day), trade fairs tend to be attended by company representatives and members of the press. See trade fairs as more of an opportunity to network rather than make sales. They allow you to build up contacts who you could build a mutually beneficial working relationship with moving forward.

Get a Display Ready

You’re going to want your stall at an exhibition to stand out. When you arrive, it will be completely plain. So, you need to brand it. There are all sorts of things you can do to make your stand impressive. Take a look at the promotional materials available from Banners, marquees, flags, and backdrops can give you a means of showing others your brand and showcasing your products or services in the best light.

Book Well in Advance

One of the keys to success when it comes to attending an exhibition or trade show is to secure a good spot in the exhibition hall. Exhibition halls can be huge, so it is often difficult to choose exactly where you want to be placed. However, generally speaking, the best spots tend to be high traffic and see a lot of footfall pass by. Try to bag a spot on one of the main aisles. The end of a row is also usually pretty good, as this will allow you to draw in intersecting traffic too.

Your first trade show or exhibition is likely to be daunting. But don’t worry too much. As long as you follow the advice above, everything should be straightforward, simple and successful.

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