Giving Your Employees More Freedom

The worst managers bark orders. They expect their employees to follow their commands to the point, with no room for flexibility or creativity. But, for your business to grow, to work productively and to build a reputation as a great employer, you need to offer them a little freedom. 

Obviously, you can’t give your team complete freedom. This could lead to absolute chaos. Structure is essential, as are rules and guidelines, they keep everyone on track, ensure equal treatment and give people a chance to grow. But, a little freedom to make their own decisions, take chances and even make mistakes has benefits. Do this, and they’ll be hardworking, loyal, productive and happy. They’ll enjoy coming into work, they’ll give their all, and they’ll learn and develop their skills, which can be great for business. Let’s take a look at some ways to provide them with this freedom. 

Giving Your Employees More Freedom

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Offer Flexibility

Today’s workforce is different. More mothers than ever before, are returning to work. People are working into old age. They work around their own businesses and other commitments. They have dependants and people that need their care. To work well, they need flexibility from their employers. 

You might not be able to offer total flexibility, and you should always consider the needs of your business before agreeing to any requests, but when you can, you should. Use Deputy’s employee time clock app to give your staff control over clocking in and out, but also a way to make requests and communicate about their schedule. Listen to their needs, and be as flexible as you can. 

Give Parameters, Offer Choices

Ground rules are fantastic, and you should take the time to craft yours. You should also spend time at the start of each day or shift communicating with your team. Talk about what needs to be done and begin to delegate tasks. But, within these parameters, give your team members choices. Tell them what you need to be done, but not necessarily how to do it. Or, give them options when it comes to what tasks they take on, or what the results should be. Give them as many choices as you can, and they’ll work more happily. 

Encourage Creativity

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Staff that always have to do precisely what they are told, stop thinking for themselves. They are scared to make mistakes, and so they don’t take risks. They’d certainly never come to you with new ideas. Encourage your staff members to be creative. Ask them for feedback and ideas and don’t judge or mock them. 

Trust Them

If you want them to be creative, to work to their best and to have this all-important freedom, you need to trust them. You need to trust them to do their jobs and to go a little off track sometimes. You need to trust that they will ask you for help if they need it, without constantly checking up on them and breathing down their necks. 

Guide Them

Occasionally you might need to stop and give yourself a reminder. You might catch yourself dominating or ordering people around. Remind yourself that your staff need guidance, and nothing more. 

Giving Your Employees More Freedom

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