The Essential Guide For The eBay Entrepreneur

If you are thinking of waving goodbye to your full time position to go it alone, you need to consider what to put your energies into. No longer will you be relying on a corporate bluechip for your wage and you will no longer have any promotion prospects to speak of. However, you will become the master of your own destiny with your own brand and business. Setting out on a money making adventure takes time to craft and develop. So, what are you going to do?

One of the easiest ways to begin your startup is by looking to the world of eBay. This is a great online tool to help expose your products across the world. It’s not unheard of for people to make millions just by buying and selling items on the synonymous auction site. eBay is a fantastic platform to use as it’s so flexible. You could design and make custom made pet ID tags and sell them via eBay. Or perhaps you enjoy buying antiques to trade globally. Again, eBay can help you gain access to a lucrative market. So, how can you ensure that eBay is worth your time? Read on to find out.


If you become an eBay seller, it’s vital that you create some professional branding to match. You need to ensure that you sign up for a shop account rather than a personal one. A shop is infinitely more professional and will inspire greater customer confidence in your products. Try to emulate your color scheme and logo across every listing. If you have social media accounts, ensure that they utilize the same branding.

Your eBay shop will live and die by its reputation. eBay allows all buyers to rate the shop that they have purchased from. They will grade your communication, your delivery time and item quality. This will earn you a percentage score. All feedback is public, so it’s important that your brand develops an excellent reputation. If you can deliver a product in two days, state that you’ll get it delivered in three. By under promising and over delivering, it will appear like you have gone the extra mile. Ensure that you use decent couriers who will take care of your product when shipping. Use a haulage firm that delivers custom freight, especially if you find yourself with a large wholesale order. These firms specialize in fragile, delicate or odd goods, so can be the perfect choice for your wares.


When you list an item, it’s crucial that you spend the time to delve into the details. When listing one of your custom made tee shirts, don’t allow the description to be littered with spelling errors and become full of generic statements. Be specific and point out any flaws if there are any. If you are dealing in vintage items or antiques, they aren’t always going to be perfect. Ensure that your potential buyer is aware of any defects, so they can bid accordingly.

Ensure that your photographs show the product from every angle and show these flaws. Being honest and transparent leaves less room for negative feedback. Every item (damaged or not) will find its price. Use all of the photography allowance that you possibly can. Don’t just whip up three fuzzy pictures if you have twelve to play with. Place the product at the center of every composition. Use a mixture of close ups and angled shots to allow the customer to see as much of your item as possible. The clearer and more detailed the listing, the greater the price it will fetch.

The Essential Guide For The eBay Entrepeneur

Image by Pixabay – CC0 Licence

Repeat Custom

As a business, you don’t want to have ad hoc sales. The real money is in repeat custom and business. When you ship your goods, place a little business card with a direct link to your website on it. Use your social media accounts to incentivize potential customers with discounts and offers. Your eBay shop can also detail offers such as two for ones or percentage discounts. The key aspect of eBay is that it is global. You can develop a worldwide following. If your product is super quality, you cannot fail to sell your wares.

Being an entrepreneur is exciting, if a little terrifying. Leaving your comfort zone for something totally different can be a scary way to make a living. However, the eBay platform can be the perfect introduction to the world of sales. Follow this guide and make a success of your foray into eBay entrepreneurship.

The Essential Guide For The eBay Entrepreneur

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