Directing Consumer Attention Towards Your Business In the New Year

It’s relatively easy to begin to feel lost when it comes to attracting consumer attention to your brand. Increasing numbers of people are setting up online businesses, saturating the market, and making it increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. But the good news is that shining through is possible. You’re just going to have to dedicate some serious time, effort, and financial investment into the area. Here are just a few techniques that you could employ to achieve this!


SEO stands for “search engine optimisation”, but chances are that doesn’t clear up any questions that you have about what it actually is or why you should be using it to your business’ advantage. So, what does SEO really mean? Well, let’s start with a little theoretical thought. If you were looking to purchase something online, how would you find it? Well, most of us would turn to the help of a search engine. We would type a few key words or a key phrase into the search engine’s bar and browse the results that are pulled up. We would then choose one of the first links presented to us and browse that page’s stock.

After all, when’s the last time you went beyond the first or second page of search engine results while seeking something? Probably a long time ago. Now, bearing this process in mind, you’re going to want to make sure that your website is the first link to appear when potential customers browse the web and search for products that you are providing.

The higher you appear in results, the more traffic is likely to be directed to your page, and the more sales you are likely to generate. SEO is the process that allows you to achieve this! The easiest way to go about this is to engage with a specialist seo agency. The agency will know the complex ins and outs of the process and will be able to optimise your site for the results that you want.

PPC Advertising

PPC is another acronym that you should learn the meaning of when running a small business. PPC stands for “pay per click” advertising and is a beneficial form of advertising for businesses running on a limited budget. PPC sees your products or services advertised around the web, but you are only ever charged for the advertising if someone actually clicks the link on the ads. Essentially, you only pay for the traffic that is successfully directed to your page! Make sure that your ads are only placed in relevant areas – there’s no point flinging adverts to random corners of the web where they’re not going to gain any attention.

Social Media

The majority of us are spending increasing amounts of our time on social media. We regularly check our Facebook timelines, check out other people’s lives on Instagram, and read a host of acquaintances’ and celebrities’ tweets on social media. But if people are spending more time on  social media, your business should be placing itself prominently on social media too. After all, this will place you in potential consumers’ gaze and will familiarise them with your brand. Increasing numbers of businesses are creating profiles and pages for their brands and you should definitely jump on this bandwagon. Here’s a little more insight to each of the main platforms.


Setting up a business page on Instagram is simple. Gaining followers and maintaining interaction is more difficult. Remember that Instagram is a largely visual platform and people tend to prefer pages with well curated content. Employ a professional product photographer to show what your business has to offer in its best light. Using the same photographer will guarantee consistency in your feed. Place particular focus on colour schemes or stylistic schemes. You will start to generate followers in next to no time. Just remember to link your website in your bio!


Facebook tends to be best for providing customers and potential customers with information about your business. You can list the location of a brick and mortar store or suppliers. You can list a contact number. You can enable instant messaging through the messenger app. Consumers can all use this to get in touch with queries or complaints, allowing you to offer better customer service.


Twitter, again, is best for keeping in touch with your customers and creating an extra point of contact between you and them. People can tweet short inquiries or complaints and you can get back to them easily. If you want to go for an alternative advertising approach, take a look at Denny’s more controversial use of Twitter for controversial advertising!

Engaging with Social Media Influencers

Of course, you can benefit from your business’ own social media profiles. But have you ever considered how you can benefit from others’ profiles too? This is where social media influencers come into play. These are individuals who have a huge following on social media – from tens of thousands of followers to millions of followers. Whenever they post, their content is seen by a large proportion of these people. These people actively follow them and are “influenced” by what they are seen doing, wearing, using, or where they spend their time.

So, regardless of what your business specialises in, chances are that having your business or products featured on their feed somehow will dramatically boost your exposure and encourage a large number of people to engage with your brand too! If you can achieve this, you are likely to see a spike in sales or bookings, and consequently a spike in your profits. So, start browsing the web to find the right social media influencer for your brand.

Choose someone who fits into your brand’s aesthetic, as they are likely to have followers interested in a similar aesthetic, and consequently engagement will be more productive and profitable. Also ensure that the social media influencers you engage with have a large following for good reasons. Some people gain followers through mockery or notoriety – you don’t want your brand to be associated with these things and poor behaviour on the part of your chosen social media influencer in the future could reflect badly on your brand. Be prepared to pay for the social media influencer’s time and space on their profile – this service rarely comes for free.

These are just a few different ways that you can direct more consumer attention to your business in the new year. Remember that more positive attention means more people browsing your page, more people showing an interest in the goods you have to offer, and consequently more sales. This makes you profit and should help your business to grow and expand!

Directing Consumer Attention Towards Your Business In the New Year.

This post has been written by an outside source – See Disclosure Policy

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