One of the more exciting aspects of business is that you never know what’s going to happen in the future. Alas, while this presents a lot of hope and opportunity, it can also be a little fear-inducing. It could be that you work hard to get a business off the ground, only to discover that the industry was doomed from the moment you began. It’ll have nothing to do with your entrepreneurial skills, everything to do with industry and business shifts. There are, after all, many industries that are expected to suffer from the rise of automation and AI. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few business ideas that are predicted to be more robust than average.

All Things Tech
We tend to think that we’re living in a world dominated by tech, but actually, this is not the case. Compared to what the world will look like in the future, we’re in a pretty primitive tech world. As such, a tech company remains a terrific option for aspiring entrepreneurs. This doesn’t necessarily mean producing new technology or innovating; it can involve providing tech services to businesses, or running a store that sells specialized tech to consumers or businesses (the general tech business has been covered).
Deep Cleaning
If you’re going to start a business, then a good starting point is to think about what people care about. And then to think whether there will still be a need for that service in the future. On both these fronts, cleaning gets two ticks. Businesses are increasingly focused on ensuring that they have a clean and tidy working environment, which they know helps to boost productivity and solidify their branding. For this reason, operating a cleaning services franchise can be especially lucrative. There is unlikely to be a time in the future when companies don’t care about the cleanliness of their premises.
Small Stores and Connection
We tend to think that mega-corporations rule the world, but there are signs of resistance. People are beginning to understand that there is power in human connection, and that’s hard to get when you’re just clicking around on Amazon for all your purchases. For certain items, people still appreciate heading downtown and browsing products. If you’ve got a specialized interest, then look at setting up a small store. It can be highly satisfying to sell products you’ve curated, and to know that you’re actively providing an important social service (connection).
All Things Self-Care
There are a lot of critics of the hyperindividualism of modern society, but there are advantages. People are healthier, more self-engaged, and care about themselves more — which in turn makes it easier to care for others. One of the fastest-growing industries is that of self-care. If you can help people to become better versions of themselves, be it through eating well, skincare products, or wellness activities such as yoga and meditation, then you’ll find there are plenty of interested people. Everyone wants to feel at their best.
- This post has been written by an outside source – See DISCLOSURE POLICY