One of the major things that you need to concern yourself within business is the branding. The better you brand your business, the more of a chance you will have of succeeding with that business – it really is that simple. As well as being sure to design a brand which is likely to work well and be effective, you also need to know how you are going to spread it about well enough. Actually, once you start to look, it becomes clear that there are many opportunities for branding. In this post, we’re going to look at a few of the fun and quirky examples of how you might go about doing this.

Often, this will relate to the world of merchandise, which is an incredibly effective means of improving your branding relation with the world, and is often very affordable too. Once you start to look into it, it becomes clear that there are many kinds of merchandise which you might want to consider, whether you are talking about having mugs made, tea towels produced, or you want to go to a badge maker to produce some badges that people can wear. These are all effective, whether you give them out at trade shows or free with sold products. Be sure to have as much of this as you can, and really start to spread them around as much as possible.
Street Art
This is a possibility that opened up in the world of marketing over ten years ago now, and it is still going strong. What with the prevalence of street art in our cities, it is hardly surprising that being able to take charge of some of those public spaces is bound to offer a wonderful branding opportunity, and it is certainly something you might want to think about. It could be a mural painted on the side of your own building, or it might be that you are using a space that you have received permission for in the public areas. However you do it, the right kind of street art can really be an effective form of branding placement.
Ironic Twitter Accounts
This is something that is becoming more and more popular too, and it is easy to see why. It is an easy thing to do, it doesn’t cost anything, and yet if you are persistent it could mean that you are going to end up with a radical and dramatic influx of customers in no time. Having a twitter account is often great, but branding it in an ironic way can be a really effective way of getting the attention of many more people, especially if you manage to be outright funny in the process as well. The tone is important here, and you need to make sure that you are not too harsh on people, but if you can get the balance right then it is something that can really be hugely rewarding.
These are all wonderful ways to brand your business, so take a look at them now and see if you can try your hand at them.
- DISCLOSURE This post has been written by an outside source.