When you have a small business, you may be wondering how best to utilize the space in your office. Should you have walls between certain offices, or none at all? Should you make sure that you have big windows, or is artificial lighting OK? And what kind of office furniture do you really need? We’ve put together this quick guide, so that you can see how to create the best office space for your small business, without all of the stress that it usually involves. Read on if you want to know more!

Talk to some interior designers
The first step, and undoubtedly the most important one, is to speak to some interior designers about the best way to use your space. Whilst we all like to think that we know it all (and you’ll undoubtedly have some ideas when it comes to designing your office) these people have seen hundreds of offices, and hundreds of buildings, and they know what works. You can give them a brief and tell them about your budget, and then see what kind of ideas they can come up with. There are many modern options – like those at Digitonomy Limited – out there if you want your office to be at the forefront of interior design.
Create a group space
When it comes to office space, there are two options: to divide it into rooms, or to have one big open plan office. When you have a small business, the best option is undoubtedly to have an open office, as there will be more need for communication, and you’re likely to only have a small number of employees. This way, you can all share ideas more efficiently, and you’ll be more motivated and productive, as you’ll all bounce ideas off each other. It may be a good idea to give your staff a bit of privacy (don’t turn your office into a big surveillance system) but find out what they think would benefit their workspace, too, and act on that.
Let in some natural light
Artificial lights are pretty, you know, evil when it comes to workspaces. Sure, go for artificial lighting if you want to see your staff members walking around like zombies, with headaches and migraines and other health issues, but make sure you get an office space with windows and natural lighting if you want to make sure that they’re not suffering both mentally and physically. If you’re struggling with finding a well lit office, then look into the best lighting that you can find, as you’ll be spending a long time there, and you don’t want to damage your health and the health of those around you, either.
So, there are many ways to create the best office space for your small business, from talking through your options with some interior

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