Today I want to talk to you right from the heart, now I don’t normally share my views on God and the Angels but today I feel I must as it ties in perfectly with what I talked about in my blog yesterday Law of Attraction Myths revealed
In the law of attraction myths post I stated that the law of attraction simply responds to our vibrations. It does not care about us, know what’s best for us or want to teach us a lesson.
I really do feel that the people over personalise the law of attraction and it’s not helpful.
Here’s where I feel things get tricky.
Let’s put God, the angels, your higher self, spirit… into the picture.
Now I’m not going to tell you what to believe, that’s completely for you to decide. My purpose of sharing with you today is so that I can give you my take on what’s going on. That’s all.
So I do believe in God and the Angels. I do believe God has a plan for me and the angels are guiding me, I also believe that my higher self (the me that was around before I was the me of this lifetime on earth and the me that will live on once I leave planet earth.) knows what’s best for me.
Me and God
Now don’t ever ask me to quote the bible, I can’t do it. The God I believe in may not be connected to any particular religion. My God simply wants the best for me, loves me and guides me. I talk regularly with God, that’s my own personal relationship and one that I am happy with. I do believe God has a plan for me and I’m happy and willing to allow myself to be guided with goodness and kindness in my heart.
Me and the Angels
I have always believed in the angels and the angelic realm. I do believe we have angels guiding us and it’s my intention in 2015 to increase my connection with the angelic realm further. I do believe these angels, especially our guardian angels do want the very best for us and always want to support us, protect us and guide us.
My Higher Self
As I mentioned above, to me higher self means the me that was me before I was born in this lifetime and the me that will live on once I leave this lifetime on planet Earth. I feel strongly that whatever I need to know is always within me. I spent many years looking to other people for answers about who I should be and how I should live my life. Over a period of time I began to realize that I needed to stop looking outside of me for answers and look inside, my higher self has the answers. I am still working on building that connection stronger and stronger, through meditation, asking myself questions and being mindful and quiet enough to allow the answers…
I ask you please to be respectful of my beliefs. They are mine and I am happy with them, I share them to give you a different viewpoint following on from my bombshell about the law of attraction not caring about us.
It’s important for us not to confuse the law of attraction with our faith. Whether that is faith in God, the Angels… These are a separate thing.
I do not ever ask you to believe in the same things as I do, these things are for you to choose. I also do not ask you to believe what I tell you about the law of attraction. I simply ask that you keep these things I share with you in mind as you try to create the life you want.
If you like my way of teaching about the law of attraction and want to learn more and get on-line coaching with me, helping you effectively use the law of attraction to create the life you want, join me on Law of Attraction Bootcamp
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Love and happiness
Wendy xx
Thank you Yvette, I’m actually feeling a little emotional about this post. I’m usually so private about things like this. I feel a bit like I’ve put my heart on show to the world but I think that’s a good thing. xx
HI Wendy, my beliefs are similar to yours. I’d love to know how you plan to connect further with the angels. I’m using Angelic Candles at the moment, and I love them. Very peaceful 🙂
I did some work with the Angelic Realm during my law of attraction training with a wonderful lady called Lynn Ahearn, so maybe some more time with her. I think my first step is going to be some extra reading. Do you have any recommendations Sarah?
Hi Wendy,
Your beliefs are always your own and you should never be afraid to share them. I for one have very similar beliefs and know that I am fully supported by all the angels who work with me. I am also very aware that they cannot interfere and we have to ask for help. We came into this life with free will and that was our gift. We are in control even if we have a plan to follow. I truly believe that we are all here for a reason and like you believe that the answers lie within us and we will only find them when we are willing to look with an open heart and an open mind. I love that you are going to explore your relationship with your guardian angel more in 2015 and if I can be of any help, please just let me know.
Thanks Amanda. I will be reading your book again as I found it highly inspiring. I wasn’t afraid to share my beliefs really it was more that it’s my private world. Much love Amanda.
Wendy – your beliefs are your own and only you know how much they resonate with you 🙂 many of my beliefs are the same as yours, I know without a doubt I have been here many times before, in fact my current partner I have been with before, and some of my very closest friends and I have spent many lifetimes together (but that’s a whole other book lol) . For me I believe that angels walk amongst us, and whether you call them Angels, spirit guides or the voices in your head, they are all just ways of us communicating with our higher self. We struggle to comprehend the higher self so it gives us a peg to hang the hat on.
Did you have an imaginary friend or a creature that was a guardian when you were a child? For me it was a purple dragon, the purple was very specific and it was only when I understood the colour of my guardian angel, that I understood they had been there all along. As a child they appeared as something that was protective and I would not be scared of, it’s something that has followed me through my life so may be a starting place for you.
Don’t every be afraid to express your beliefs, you may just be giving someone a voice who is afraid to vocalise them xx
Hi Kate, what a lovely reply, thank you. I’m not afraid to share my beliefs, it’s just a part of me that I’ve liked to keep for myself.
I don’t remember an imaginary friend as a child but my son certainly had one, he was a dog called Layman and he came all over the place with us. As my son got older, he went away and then came back a few times during difficult times when my son seemed to need some extra comfort.