Okay today I want to put some things straight about the law of attraction. These are the 4 biggest law of attraction myths I hear.
This is what I hear time and time again and it’s time for me to set things straight. My apologies if this offends anyone reading but it’s important for me to tell you the truth rather than sell you a pretty fantasy tale.
[tweetthis]Law of attraction myth #1 The law of attraction knows what’s best for me[/tweetthis]
Myth #1 The law of attraction knows what’s best for me!!!
No!!! No it doesn’t. Oh how I wish I knew how to do big bold shout out letters on wordpress. Seriously, the law of attraction does not know what is best for you it is simply matching your vibrations. That’s it.
[tweetthis]Law of attraction myth #2 The law of attraction is teaching me a lesson [/tweetthis]
Myth #2 The law of attraction is teaching me a lesson
I’m banging my head against my imaginary wall now. NO!!! No it isn’t. It’s just matching your vibrations. It’s giving you what you’re putting out and matching it. That’s it.
[tweetthis]Law of attraction myth#3 The law of attraction will work it out (okay this one’s sort of true)[/tweetthis]
Myth #3 The law of attraction will work it out
Okay well this one’s sort of true but I needed a breather before I lost the plot completely with these weird ideas about the law of attraction that mess with people’s heads.
So the law of attraction will work it out ~ Yes it will if you know what you want and become a vibrational match for it. It will.
The myth here is that many people see the law of attraction as a magic wand. Well it’s not. It’s also not a shrink and can’t work out the jumble in your head. So get clear about you want, be a match for it and yes, then the law of attraction will find a way to work it out.
[tweetthis]Law of attraction myth #4 The law of attraction doesn’t work for me [/tweetthis]
Myth #4 The law of attraction doesn’t work for me.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Whether you understand it or not, the law of attraction is always working in all of our lives, every second of every day. There’s no switch off. It’s not given to just a select few. It’s always working and always matching your vibrations. What is true, if this is something you say is that you haven’t learnt how to use it effectively yet.
Phew, I’m exhausted.
Okay that’s me done, and it’s over to you. Have you said or thought any of these myths about the law of attraction?
I have a feeling there are going to be a few questions come up about what I’ve just shared, so go right ahead and ask now in the comments below.
Love and happiness
Wendy xx
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How about this one: “The Law Of Attraction Wants You To Succeed.” I would hope YOU want YOURSELF to succeed!!
Nope Kate, sorry. The law off attraction doesn’t want anything for us. It’s just matching what we put out. So yes, if you want yourself to be successful and you actually believe you can be or are successful and you feel successful… then yes the law of attraction will respond and start drawing it into your life. But it doesn’t have feelings, it doesn’t want anything for us.
Great post. I’m very, very new to the concept of Law of Attraction having not been engaged by The Secret. It put me off looking into the theory further (sorry if that’s a controversial opinion to have). I have, however, just discovered a different interpretation of it which is ringing true and it fits with what you say above. From what I gather, it’s a case of what you project, your mental attitude and your own positiveness which attracts results. You get what you ask for, but it’s knowing what and how to ask…. that’s what I’m trying to get my head around. Great blog, thanks Wendy.
Thanks for your comment Samantha. Many people especially those who teach the law of attraction are not fans of The Secret either. You might want to take look at my How the law of attraction post It’s a really clear guide to what you need to think about.