The famous writer Henry David Thoreau once said that “most men live lives of quiet desperation,” and it’s hard not to think of people who do jobs that they hate for years on end when hearing that sentiment.
Ultimately, everyone wants to feel fulfilled at work, and to work a job that they believe in and that gives them a sense of meaning.
While there are all sorts of different platforms and avenues such as Diverse Employment that you can utilise in order to get hired in different capacities, what about more general tips and approaches for finding and landing a dream job?

Here are some suggestions.
Follow your intuition and your “bliss”
Joseph Campbell, the famous professor of mythology, came up with a few concepts and slogans that remain very popular today in different circles. His concept of “The Hero’s Journey,” for example, has become a well-established part of the culture through different forms of storytelling that were inspired by the concept.
Perhaps his most famous line, though, was that we should all “follow our bliss.”
This idea has also been echoed by the novelist Paulo Coelho, author of the highly acclaimed book “The Alchemist.” In Coelho’s case, he talks about following our intuitions, paying attention to the signs the world sends us, and pursuing our “personal legend.”
The bottom line with all of these concepts is that it’s essential to listen to that little voice of inspiration inside you that tells you what you should be doing and what direction you should be heading in.
The only way to find your “dream job” is by not discarding dreams, or undervaluing your own intuitions and emotional responses to things.
Today, many people outright ignore these internal signals and try to pursue “smart career choices” that they ultimately end up hating. Have the courage to try a different approach instead.
Try different things as you hone in on the role that feels right
It might be that you know exactly what it is you want to do with great clarity. But if you’re anything like most people, you probably have signs and hints that tell you what direction you should be heading in, and that you then have to constantly re-evaluate and adjust course along the way.
In order to find your dream job, trying a variety of different things is one of the best ways of gaining a sense of perspective, and letting you know just what it is you actually find meaningful, enjoy, and connect with.
Regularly explore your own hobbies and interests
Regularly exploring your own hobbies and interests, and approaching life in a spirit of “play” and “enthusiasm” is likely to not only make you significantly happier and more positive in general, but it may also help you find your dream job as well.
Many “dream jobs” develop out of pastimes that were originally hobbies, but that some individuals were able to turn into a way of making a living.
Even assuming your hobbies don’t become your dream job, they will likely help to keep you motivated to find it.
- DISCLOSURE – This post has been written by an outside source