When you’re working, WORK! Make the most of your time

Make the most of your time – It’s got to be said there are many, many people who need to hear this and before you all get super defensive, I need to remind myself of this quite often.

When you’ve got a job to do, just get on and do it.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a project you need to complete for work, creating a new product for your business, writing a blog post, doing your accounts, cleaning the kitchen, typing up an email… Just do it.

Make the most of your time – Even if you only have 5 minutes, focus your attention completely on that task.

I recently read an article quoting figures from a survey.

This is part of that article ~The survey revealed 64 percent of employees visit non-work related websites every day at work. Of that group, 39 percent spend one hour or less per week, 29 percent spend 2 hours per week, 21 percent waste five hours per week, and only 3 percent said they waste 10 hours or more doing unrelated activities. (My experience as a CEO tells me these figures are probably underestimated.) You can read the rest here. (Forbes.com)

As a business owner, I can easily fall into this trap and the only person’s bottom line it’s impacting is my own.  If you’re a student and you have homework to complete, just get it done.  The longer you spend on not homework things, the longer, in reality, it’s going to eat into your free time.  If you want to write that novel, get your butt in the chair and write for a set amount of time each and every day.

Make the most of your time - When it's work time, we must get to work.  If your business is to be successful then this is something you need to master quickly.  Being self employed is absolutely wonderful but without a boss to keep you accountable, it can be easy to get distracted.  Click through for my productivity tips.

I’m pretty strict with myself these days but even so, I know that on the days I really work when I’m working with no distractions allowed, I get loads done and on the days I let myself get sidetracked by shiny websites, Facebook, twitter… I get frustrated with myself and it eats away at my free time.

So tell me in the comments below does this tip apply to you?  Do you think/know you do anything other than work (and of course, the odd toilet break) during work time?

[tweetthis]Work when it’s work time[/tweetthis] 

This blog post is part of a series.  To read the rest of my time-management tips, go to Time-Management

Check out my Hypnosis for time-management post.


Do you currently make the most of your time? Did you find this tip helpful?  If you did please share it.


Affiliate links may have been used in this post which means if you use the link to buy something I will receive a small commission.  You will still pay the same price.  This helps me keep this blog going.

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5 thoughts on “When you’re working, WORK! Make the most of your time

  1. I love this! I agree – the more you are not doing what you’re supposed to do (completing projects and/ or chores), the more it is going to eat away your free time! Valuable lesson learned.

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